Scott Jennings Responds to Jasmine Crockett AND He Describes What We the People See the Dem Party Has Become (VIDEOs)

Scott Jennings responded to Jasmine Crockett mocking Governor Greg Abbott for being in a wheelchair and very appropriately described what the Democrat Party has become now, getting it right 100%.

This from

Click HERE to watch (1:01 min).

Crockett came out Tuesday and claimed she was not referring to Abbott’s disability, but nobody is buying that. Plus she has used the same insult before, which is what Jennings was talking about when he said:

[S]he forgot about her previous commentary using that exact same insult.

On the topic of the Signal breach, Scott Jennings pointed out just how well President Trump and his top officials executed a military operation and he said he has even more confidence in them all now:

Click HERE to watch (:41 min).

Final thought: The intelligence of Scott Jennings mixed in with the cheats, liars, and idiots of propaganda media is truly a pleasure to watch. Perhaps too there is a small number of liberal viewers who are smart enough to pick up on what he is saying.