If former SF mayor Willie Brown is to be believed, Kamala Harris got her start in politics by having an …
Author: Brian Anderson
If people want to play dress up that fine, but what’s up with this sense of entitlement from the transgender …
Well, the government is back open but the biggest WTF? this week is that President Trump signed a temporary deal …
In late December of last year a woman in a vegetative state gave birth to a baby boy at an …
President Trump announced a deal to temporarily reopen the government that includes zero dollars and zero cents for a border …
Democrats accuse Republicans of fear mongering, but it’s the lefties who deal exclusively in fear. According to them everything will …
As we all know, most things are only bad when conservatives do them: sexism, racism, and, well all of the …
Kamala Harris’ doomed-to-fail 2020 presidential run is over before it even started because she is no longer allowed to be …
Socialist dingbat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has some major buzz going in democratic circles and Elizabeth Warren looks to be trying to …
File this under “if a conservator said it, it would be offensive.” MSNBC’s resident lunatic Chris Matthews questioned California Senator’s …