We may have celebrated Christmas this week, but WTF? never takes a holiday. Here’s a few stories that should keep …
Author: Brian Anderson
Democrats have shut down the government because they refuse to sign a spending bill that funds even one dime for …
Earlier this month a 7-year-old migrant girl from Guatemala died in US custody and liberals flew into a rage accusing …
The way affirmative action works is to take earned achievement away from one person and give it to another person …
Every year right before the holidays liberals start putting out these “think pieces” about how to talk to your relatives …
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is older than dirt and probably remembers when the Earth cooled. She is also …
Unfortunately one of our ad companies (try to guess which one) has decided that the content of this page was …
Lefties have been tinkering with the abortion rebrand for years to make killing unborn babies sound a little less horrific. …
The New York Times did a shocking exposé about how some mass shooters purchased their firearms using credit cards. Okay, …
President Trump wants a wall built on the US/Mexico border to keep scumbags and criminals out. Liberals love scumbags and …