Mikel Jollett fronts a terrible indie band called The Airborne Toxic Event. I’ve never heard of them before today, but …
Author: Brian Anderson
Twitter has updated it’s “free speech” policies and the latest thing they will not allow is questioning the liberal science …
John Kasich is Ohio’s outgoing governor and a former Republican candidate for president. He kind of looks like a low-rent …
A conservative guest on Fox News made the astute observation that Hillary Clinton is like herpes and all hell broke …
If you are reading this, please do everything you can to ensure the United States never becomes like England. Besides …
When President Trump calls CNN “fake news” the liberal media clutches their pearls and says he’s threatening the free press, …
Liberals love to come up with bad analogies to justify their unconstitutional gun control agenda. They compare guns to cars …
Twitter’s terms of service are a little confusing to those of us on the right. Louis Farrakhan can call Jews …
I’m surprised the leftist “Racism Patrol” hasn’t sounded the alarm over this one. A Black man was arrested in New …
Normally the left attempts to ruin Thanksgiving by encouraging people to yell at their family over the dinner table about …