Why the Executive Branch’s Attack on the Supreme Court?

Dementia Joe has launched a fresh attack on the Supreme Court with an assist from Dear Kamala.

This from townhall.com.

As written in Monday’s edition of the Washington Post and credited to Dementia Joe:

We have had term limits for presidents for nearly 75 years. We should have the same for Supreme Court justices.

Term limits would help ensure that the court’s membership changes with some regularity. That would make timing for court nominations more predictable and less arbitrary. It would reduce the chance that any single presidency radically alters the makeup of the court for generations to come.

I support a system in which the president would appoint a justice every two years to spend 18 years in active service on the Supreme Court.

The communist/globalist crime syndicate members in the Senate are classifying the plan as “reform” to “protect Democracy,” but this is the goal:

Constitutional scholar Leonard Leo, who has been targeted and harassed by the Left for his leadership and philanthropy in the conservative movement, isn’t buying the Biden/Harris premise.

Leo’s released statement:

No conservative justice has made any decision in any big case that surprised anyone, so let’s stop pretending this is about undue influence. It’s about Democrats destroying a court they don’t agree with.

If President Biden and the Democrats were truly serious about ethics reform, then they would ban all gifts and hospitality of any kind to any public official in any branch of government, starting with Congress, where the real corruption is. They would close all of the loopholes that allow Members to travel on private jets to fancy hotels and restaurants. With respect to judges, they would include the things where influence peddling is most present and dangerous—and that’s when the liberal Justices rub shoulders with influencers at places like law schools, bar associations, progressive think tanks and their conferences, and other groups and events funded by Left-wing billionaires, where they support real vested interests in the work of the Court.


Let me be clear: If Democrats want to adopt an across the board ethics ban for all branches, I am in favor of that: no jets, no meals, no speaking honorariums, no gifts for anyone from anyone for any reason in any branch, starting with Congress. Until they support that, let’s all be honest about what this is: a campaign to destroy a court that they disagree with.

The move is not going over well and is being called a sign of desperation as Harris trails behind Trump in her quest to occupy the Oval Office.

Final thoughts: Term limits for Supreme Court justices would require amending the Constitution and would be unlikely to affect the current justices.

The Regime also called for a constitutional amendment to say former presidents have no immunity from criminal charges for their actions in the White House, which would reverse the Supreme Court’s decision in early July. This will not come about any time soon, either.