Just Like ‘Rape’ Liberals Redefine ‘Court Packing’ To Save Joe Biden

The #MeToo movement used to mean believe all sexual assault survivors until Joe Biden was credibly accused of sexually assaulting his former staffer in which case liberals redefined it to mean believe all sexual assault survivors who weren’t raped by democrats. The same thing is now going on with “court packing” because Joe Biden is shooting himself in the foot by not stating his position on the issue. Liberals are once again coming to Joe’s rescue by redefining the term to mean something evil that Republicans do.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s death has democrats once again clamoring to pack the Supreme Court. What that means is that if the democrats won the White House and the Senate, they would add at least 4 seats to the SCOTUS and fill them with liberal activist judges to give the high court a 7-6 liberal majority instead of the soon-to-be 6-3 conservative majority.

Joe Biden and his token running mate Kamala Harris have both expressed support for packing the court in the past but now are tight lipped on the subject. Joe won’t answer if he supports this wildly unpopular scheme, going so far as to say voters don’t deserve to know where he stands on it.

It’s incredibly bad optics for Biden to dodge this question, but no worries, the League of Liberal Dipshits has come to his rescue by completely redefining court packing to mean something it doesn’t. Counting on the sheer stupidity of voters, here’s what Illinois Senator Dick Durbin claims is the real court packing:

When asked by Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd on Meet the Depressed about Biden’s insane refusal to answer the court packing question, Icky Dick blew this wad:

“American people have watched Republicans packing the courts over the last three and a half years and they brag about it. They’ve taken every vacancy and filled it,” said Durbin. “We are dealing with people on the court, packed into the court with little or no qualification.”

You got that? According to Durbin, “packing the court” now means the Republican President and Republican Senate filling vacant court positions. You know, that thing that the Constitution compels them to do? “Court packing” in Dick’s world means performing a Constitutional duty.

Since democrats rely on the liberal media to push their bullshit on the public, here’s Media Matters with the assist:

As you can see by this info graphic, Republicans have confirmed more appellate court judges during President Trump’s first term than were confirmed during Obama’s 8-years of uselessness. And that is what liberals are hoping you think what “court packing” really means.

Republicans have not added additional seats to any of these courts, which is what packing the court actually means, but they have to do something to distract from the fact that Joe Biden plans on doing this to the Supreme Court and won’t publicly admit it.

Here’s a fair question: If by some miracle the democrats get the Senate and the presidency, will they fill any court vacancies or will they refrain from nominating and confirming judges because it’s evil when Republicans do it? I think we all know the answer to that one and it’s: democrats are completely full of shit.

There could be an entire industry in redefining the awful things that Joe Biden says:

Calling someone fat because they asked Joe a question he didn’t want to answer could mean to compliment a person’s level of fitness if liberals put their minds to it.

Telling black people they ain’t black if they don’t vote for Joe could mean Biden isn’t racist and truly respects everyone if liberals were willing to put in the work.

Senility and dementia can become the new competency and lucidity if the liberal spin machine works hard enough.

There’s a lot of reasons why Joe Biden should never be president and even more for why people shouldn’t vote for him but this is one of the biggest: In order to make Joe palatable to the people, they have to pretend like rape isn’t necessarily a bad thing but performing Constitutional duties is.