NJ Governor Phil Murphy Staffer Calls Evangelical Christians ‘A-Holes’

But tell us what you really think. An aide to democratic New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has called evangelical Christians a bunch of assholes. Sure, that seems like kind of an asshole move, but this a liberal we are talking about. Anyone who is different than them deserved to be insulted and demonized in their minds. Generally when liberals say and do horrible things like this there are no consequences, but in this case the aide was told to go to her room and think about what she has done.

Noemi Velazquez is a staffer for Governor Murphy, working on constituent relations (no seriously) and she was reaching out to voters by calling some of them assholes. Hey, don’t blame her, this is a precedent set by Hillary Clinton with her “basket of deplorables” comment. Velazquez isn’t quite as eloquent as Hillary so all she could come up with is “evangelicals are assholes.”

Here’s a comment Velazquez made to a social media meme about members of Congress serving too long:

“Except for this administration when the leaders are all evangelical assholes. Molesters, liars, drunks, racists, heartless, bigots,” wrote Velazquez.

It seems like Velazquez is actually describing other liberals as they tend to take their own stink and throw it at others, but she didn’t mean it this way. She’s calling evangelicals assholes and everyone in the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress a bunch of nasty names.

If you don’t think saying “evangelical assholes” is that big of a deal, try replacing “evangelical” with “Muslim” or “African American” or “Mexican.” Liberals would completely lose it over any of those alternatives.

This seems like it should be a problem, but it’s not really. As Politico reports, Velazquez sort of got in trouble, but pretty much didn’t:

An administration official said Friday that Velazquez has been suspended without pay for 10 days. She will also be required to undergo sensitivity “re-training,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss a personnel matter.

Gosh, they really brought the hammer down, didn’t they? BTW, Velazquez makes $60,000 a year doing this crap for Gov. Murphy. I wonder what the “re-training” will be. I bet the sit her down and explain that she can’t go around saying out loud how all liberals feel about most Americans. The last thing democrats want is for anyone to know what they honestly believe.

What makes this story the most liberal thing ever is the reaction from Gov. Murphy over his aide calling evangelicals assholes. Surprise, surprise, he actually blamed it all on President Trump:

“Sadly, because of our president, we are a very divided nation right now and we shouldn’t be. So that has informed an enormous amount of emotions on both sides of this. But I don’t think there’s any place for name calling and calling out whole categories of people. We can disagree without being disagreeable,” said Murphy.

To recap: A Murphy staffer calls Christians assholes, but it’s somehow Trump’s fault, and everyone else should stop being so divisive and hateful. Don’t you just love the way liberals spin their own horribleness?