Far-Left Justice Questions SCOTUS Legitimacy With Kavanaugh On The Bench

After a couple of weeks of democratic dirty tricks and the worst political smear campaign in history, it looks like Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court and he may be on the bench by the time you read this. Just because Kavanaugh survived the liberal character assassination attempt doesn’t mean the left is done attacking him, even from his future colleagues. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan is questioning the legitimacy of the court with Brett Kavanaugh sitting on it. Making this even crazier is that the far-left justice is complaining that the court won’t be as moderate.

Kagan was nominated to the SCOTUS by Barack Obama and she’s an unqualified leftist loon activist judge. For some reason she failed to see the irony in bitching that the court won’t be nearly as moderate with the the retirement of Anthony Kennedy and the appointment of Kavanaugh. CNN reports Kagan had the nerve to actually say this:

“In the last, really 30 years, starting with Justice O’Connor and continuing with Justice Kennedy, there has been a person who found the center or people couldn’t predict in that sort of way. That enabled the court to look as though it was not owned by one side or another and was indeed impartial and neutral and fair,” said Kagan.

Is it funny that Kagan basically just said that she is neither neutral or fair? Yes it is, but I doubt she meant to say that.

“It’s not so clear going forward. That sort of middle position, you know, it’s not so clear whether we’ll have it,” Kagan continued.

You don’t have to read between the lines to understand that Kagan is giving Kavanaugh shit for being a right-wing extremist, which he of course is not. And again, she’s accidentally admitting that she and her fellow liberal Justices are radical leftists, with no regard for the law.

While Kagan doesn’t see her liberal activism as a threat to the court, she does see Kavanaugh delegitimizing it:

“Part of the court’s legitimacy depends on people not seeing the court in the way that people see the rest of the governing structures of this country now. In other words, people thinking of the court as not politically divided in the same way, as not an extension of politics, but instead somehow above the fray,” said Kagan.

I think there’s a pretty easy solution to Kgana’s made-up problem and that’s for her and the other liberal justices to simply rule on the Constitutionality of matters rather than inserting their political bias into every single SCOTUS decision.

Here’s the thing about this: the so-called conservative Justices on the Supreme Court are Constitutionalists and Originalists who base their decisions on what the actual Constitution says and what the original intent was. The liberal Justices view the Constitution as vague suggestion open to their liberal interpretations. Their decisions are based on feelings and liberal bias, but never the actual law.

I’ll say it again, if Kagan is worried there will be no moderate voice on the Supreme Court, she should stop being such a leftist whacko activist and rule on the side of the Constitution.

I have a feeling that first SCOTUS mixer is going to be a little uncomfortable with Kagan attacking Kavanaugh before he even got the final nod. I also feel like it’s completely lost on her that she’s complaining about the politicization of the court while blaming Kavanaugh for delegitimizing it.