Hillary Clinton Tries To Incite Violence Against Republicans

In one of the debates leading up to the 2016 presidential elections Donald Trump was asked if he would accept the results and he said something to the effect of “If they are fair.” Hillary Clinton’s response to this was that it was “horrifying.” that Trump wouldn’t accept the results of the election. Since losing that election, Hillary has done nothing but not accept the results, blaming Russian conspiracies, racism, sexism, and calling for the Electoral College to be abolished.

Her latest effort in not accepting that she lost fair and square is by trying to incite leftists in a violent overthrow of the Republican Party, which I’m sure she would say is not horrifying at all because it comes from her.

Check out this fun clip from CNN:

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” said Hillary.

Is she talking about the democrats? Those liberal fools not only hate everything the GOP stands for, they actively want to destroy everything America stands for and what Americans care about.

We all know Hillary isn’t talking about the democrats, so what she just said there was that liberals cannot be civil toward Republicans, or putting it another way, the left must attack and destroy the right. First off, when were the democrats ever civil, and secondly, doesn’t this sound like a call for a violent coup against the Trump administration? I know Hillary usually specializes in the crimes of treason and espionage, but now she is dabbling in sedition.

And if there is any doubt about her endgame, she added this:

“If we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again,” said Hillary.

You got that? Hillary says liberals are going to freak the f*ck out on Republicans until such a time as the democrats regain power in Washington. Whether you look at her statement as a call to violence or just to go ape-shit crazy, the plan is for the left to throw one hell of a temper tantrum until they get their way. I’m not sure this is the best way to appeal to voters and Hillary is certainly no expert at winning elections, but who ever said liberals make a lot of sense?

Hillary went on to complain that the Republicans had been mean to her by pointing out the truth about their general terribleness.

“I remember what [the Republicans] did to me for 25 years. The falsehoods, the lies, which unfortunately people believe,” said Hillary.

What lies would those be? White Water? Bill’s rapey ways? Vince Foster? Benghazi? The Uranium One deal? Her private e-mail server? I guess she meant all of that other stuff that is also 100% true.

Hillary finished up by again confusing the democrats with the Republicans and a second call for incivility:

“So when you’re dealing with an ideological party that is driven by the lust for power, that is funded by corporate interests who want a government that does its bidding, you can be civil, but you can’t overcome what they intend to do unless you win elections,” Hillary said.

Maybe don’t take advice on winning elections from the woman who blew the surest thing in US political history.