Please Note That Angry Liberal Mobs Don’t Like Being Called ‘Mobs’

Since Donald Trump was elected the left has going absolutely bat-sh*t crazy with violent rhetoric and even more violent protests. They attack Republicans in public, swarm their homes, and even shoot Congressmen on baseball fields. Hardly a day goes by without some kind of gang of liberal thugs harassing and threatening conservatives. It’s fair to say that the left is a mob of bullies throwing the mutha of all temper tantrums because things didn’t go their way in the last presidential election. The problem is, liberals hate it when you accurately describe their behavior so their newsiest outrage is over conservatives calling liberals an angry mob, which they clearly are.

At a rally on Tuesday night, President Trump called democrats an angry mob…

…and the angry mob of democrats reacted angrily. Here’s the dumbest guy on TV, Don Lemon, making this all about race:

“The real mob is not Democrats. The real mob is a mob of white supremacists who killed a woman in Charlottesville. Killed. Killed. People who are voicing their opinion about something that they don’t believe in or that they think is bad for them is how the government and how the country works. That’s not a mob,” said Lemon.

Did you catch the part where Lemon admitted that liberals are voicing their opinions on stuff that they don’t believe in? I couldn’t have summed up the left any better than that.

Then there was dumbest gal in Congress, Maxine Waters, going off on Trump for calling democrats a mob:

“This country was built on peaceful protest and those of us who were part of the civil rights movement, who understood the power of protest taught by Dr. Martin Luther King and others know that we cannot allow Donald Trump and anybody else to take protests away from us and to deem it to be violent and to try and make us look like a mob,” said Waters.

Let’s remember that it was Maxine Waters who told everyone to attack and harass Republicans in public and has several times threatened to take out President Trump.

“This president is the poster boy for what a mob protester looks like,” added Waters.

Donald Trump, a single person, is what a mob looks like? Good one, Maxie.

But it doesn’t stop there. Here’s Washington Post writer Matt Viser crying that Republicans are calling the angry mobs of liberals, angry mobs:

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin is so offended by the “M” word that she treats it like a racial slur:

What’s the issue? There are mobs of liberals creating chaos all over this country every day. If they don’t like being called a mob, stop acting like a mob. Is it the word “mob” that bothers them? Would they be happier if we called them “A Gathering of the Juggalos?” That was a rhetorical question because we all know nothing will make liberals happy and that’s why they are constantly involved in angry violent mob activity.