These Two Candidates Prove How Much Democrats Hate Us All

There’s a lot of reasons why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election, but her “basket of deplorables” comment in which she called most people in America a bunch of sexist racist idiots, probably didn’t do her any favors at the polls. The thing is, democrats are elitist snobs who think the rest of are beneath them. The problem for them is that they want our votes but they can’t hide their contempt for us. A couple of democrats running for Congress just ran into the same problem when their sheer disgust for average Americans was exposed.

Kyrsten Sinema is democrat running against Republican Martha McSally for Jeff Flake’s US Senate seat in Arizona. Before that she gave of some kind or speech in Texas and let’s just say she didn’t have a high opinion of Arizonans:

In this fun video from a few years ago Sinema mocks the people of Arizona, calling them crazy and warning that their insanity could spread to other states.

“Damn, those people are crazy,” said Sinema of Arizonans.

“I want to talk with you about some of the things you can do to stop your state from becoming Arizona… Arizona is the state of five C’s: Cattle, Copper, Citrus, Cotton, & Climate… But I would add a sixth C: Crazy,” Sinema said.

And yet, she would like it if these crazy people in Arizona would vote for her so she can represent them in the US Senate.

Next we have democrat Phil Bredesen who is running for US Senate in Tennessee against Marsha Blackburn. Bedesen recently got an endorsement from Taylor Swift, but she may pull that after she finds out how ignorant he thinks she is.

In the video from undercover genius James O’Keefe, Bredesen’s campaign staff is caught saying that his support for Brett Kavanaugh was a load of crap and done just so the voters in the red state of Tennessee don’t see him as a far-left whacko. They say it was all for the votes.

One staffer agrees that it’s “gross” that Breseden has to “lie to get that vote.” Another says he’s lying to attract moderate Republican voters. When the undercover operative asks if the people of Tennessee are really that ignorant, a campaign staffer replies emphatically, “yes.”

And yet he would like it if these ignorant people in Tennessee would vote for him so he can represent them in the US Senate.

Don’t think for a second that these are isolated incidents. Democrats are filled with nothing but contempt for the people. And they don’t even discriminate as they hate everyone, not just conservatives. These two getting caught on tape hating on the people is just the tip of the iceberg. If every democrat were forced to admit his or her true feelings about the people they want to represent, there would be a lot racial slurs and profanity and not a one of them would ever win an election.