Huh? Jamie Lee Curtis Supports The 2nd Amendment And Restrictive Gun Control?

Liberals freaked out yesterday because…well liberals freak out over everything but more specifically over a Fox News piece that accused Jamie Lee Curtis of gun hypocrisy. Curtis like all Hollywood liberals is anti-gun, but doesn’t mind making bank glorifying guns in her movies. The actress also took umbrage with the Fox article and clarified her position on guns. She says she fully supports the 2nd Amendment and yet somehow is all in favor of massive restrictions on gun ownership. It’s weird how nicely hypocrisy goes with being completely full of shit, isn’t it? Actually those two things are the same, but you get my point.

Here’s what Fox News had to say about Curtis’ gun hypocrisy:

Jamie’s got a gun in the latest “Halloween” reboot.

In the 11th installment of the horror film series, Jamie Lee Curtis’s character, Laurie Strode, is seen wielding firearms in her quest to kill the film’s legendary villain, Michael Myers.

At one point, she shoots him as he’s standing in front of a window.

But Curtis’s on-screen actions stand in contrast to her real-life persona as an advocate for gun control — one of several Hollywood actors who use firearms in their films while preaching against them away from the set.

In light of several high-profile mass shootings, Curtis has voiced her support for gun reform legislation. But she’s also appeared in films such as “True Lies,” “Virus,” “Halloween II” and “Blue Steel” where she uses firearms multiple times.

Fox even included these Curtis gun control tweets to make their point:

Okay, Jamie Lee Curtis is in favor of gun control and makes money off of movies that glorify gun use. She’s a hypocrite. Period.

But in what USA Today called a “clap-back” Curtis claims she isn’t anti-gun at all:

“That’s a bunch of nonsense. It was just silly, because they were trying to make a point without ever asking me what I really think. And what I think might surprise them,” said Curtis of the Fox News piece.

And here’s all the proof you need to know that Curtis doesn’t understand what the words “nonsense” and “silly” mean:

“I fully support the Bill of Rights. And fully support the Second Amendment. And have absolutely no problem with people owning firearms if they have been trained, licensed, a background check has been conducted, a pause button has been pushed to give time for that process to take place. And they have to renew their license just like we do with automobiles – which are weapons also,” said Curtis.

But wait, her “full” support for the 2nd Amendment also includes:

“I am vocal about common-sense gun safety and gun laws. For instance, I fully support an assault weapon ban, I fully support a bump stock ban,” said Curtis.

In other words, she doesn’t support the 2nd Amendment at all. Let’s give her a quick refresher on the actual wording of the Constitutional right, shall we?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Gun bans, licensing, registration, waiting periods, and fees are all infringements on gun ownership. What she supports is a privilege of gun ownership extended by the government but the 2nd Amendment is a right, protected against government control.

This is like Curtis saying she supports the 1st Amendment right of free speech as long as you only say things that the government approves of and get written permission to express your opinion, while never uttering a list of banned words that liberals have deemed offensive. Actually, I’m almost certain that as a Hollywood liberal she thinks this is what the 1st Amendment should be.

When someone says they support a right like gun ownership and qualifies that with a “but” that means they don’t believe in that right at all. And this brings us back to the fact that Jamie Lee Curtis is a gun hypocrite for hating the 2nd Amendment while cashing checks for glorifying gun use.