Trump Threatens To Cut Honduran Aid If They Don’t Stop Hoard Heading For US Border

Like something out of The Walking Dead, there is a hoard headed this way. This hoard however is not zombies but rather thousands of Honduran’s trying breech the US boarder. President Trump, like the boss that he is, told Honduras to stop this invasion or he’s going to cut off all foreign aide to the country. Cue liberal outrage in three…two…one

As Fox News news reports, the Hondurans are coming:

A caravan of more than 1,000 Hondurans is winding its way toward their country’s border with Guatemala, with the goal of reaching a better life in the United States.

But that was 2 days ago and this hoard is growing:

The caravan, consisting of approximately 1,600-2,000 migrants, crossed into Guatemala on Monday as it makes the trek towards the U.S. border. Reuters reported that as many as 3,000 migrants crossed into Guatemala.

For some reason that tight Guatemalan border security was unable to keep them out:

The Associated Press reported that the caravan was met at the border by approximately 100 Guatemalan police officers as they chanted “Yes, we can.”

Outnumbered, the police did nothing to stop the caravan walking into Guatemalan territory after a two-hour standoff. Officers later set up a roadblock outside the city of Esquipulas. After another hours-long standoff, with officers telling them to go back to the border, the police eventually let them pass.

Lord knows Mexico isn’t going to stop this hoard, so if something isn’t done they will eventually reach the US. At that point we will have to process their bullshit asylum requests and it will cost our country millions of dollars and clog up the immigration courts even more.

And speaking of money, we gave Honduras $175 million in foreign aid last year. If they don’t do something about their citizens storming our gates, that figure will be zero. President Trump let ‘em know this ain’t acceptable:

There’s no question that Trump really will cut aid to Honduras but the question remains, will the country actually heed his warning? I know it’s a shithole country, but I’m sure they could put together a convoy of brown 1982 Datsun pickup trucks to go to Guatemala and retrieve their citizens.

Another more likely scenario is that the ACLU will sue President Trump for threatening to cut aid to Honduras and a liberal activist judge will force to us continue to send financial support. Then of course the ACLU will sue again to get all of these illegal immigrants released into our country where they will multiply and destroy us from within. Maybe this is more like the White Walkers from Game of Thrones than zombies from The Walking Dead.

Back in the Cold War days we used to financially support shitty countries like Honduras to keep them from turning commie, but that’s no longer an issue. I have no idea why we continue to send big fat checks to countries like this when we get nothing in return. We’re certainly not protecting our interests so maybe it’s time we stopped that gravy train. At the very least, if we’re giving them money they should keep their people from invading us.