Hillary Clinton’s Camp Hints At 2020 Presidential Run

I’m actually looking forward to the 2020 presidential race because there are so many lunatics from the Democratic Party lining up that it’s going to be hilarious. Nothing however would be funnier than if 2-time loser Hillary Clinton were run again and, wouldn’t you know it, her people are indicating that she is indeed considering a third presidential bid. If her people are hinting at it, that means it’s a done deal, so 2020 is going to be a laugh riot.

Politico did a piece on how democrats are sick of Hillary and want her to go away, which may be the only smart thing liberals ever came up with. Buried in this piece is some information how Hillary has secretly been reaching out to the press in an attempt to repair her damaged relationship with the liberal media that acted as her propaganda ministry in 2016. Obviously, this is an indication that she’s thinking about running again, but there’s more. Check this out from former Hillary senior advisor Philippe Reines:

“It’s curious why Hillary Clinton’s name isn’t in the mix—either conversationally or in formal polling—as a 2020 candidate. She’s younger than Donald Trump by a year. She’s younger than Joe Biden by four years. Is it that she’s run before? This would be Bernie Sanders’ second time, and Biden’s third time. Is it lack of support? She had 65 million people vote for her,” said Reines.

Wow, what a brilliant liberal argument: Hillary is just as big of a loser as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, so therefore she should run and lose again. The reason why all three of these democrats have a collective 5 failed presidential bids is because they are unelectable losers. This isn’t even the “shit plus one” argument which is that something slightly less shitty is somehow not still shitty. This is the “shit equals shit” equation that says shit is somehow no longer shitty. Sorry, liberal math never works out.

Don’t worry, Reines tried to throw a couple of variables in to make his equation add up:

“Chalking the loss up to her being a failed candidate is an oversimplification. She is smarter than most, tougher than most, she could raise money easier than most, and it was an absolute fight to the death,” said Reines.

Did he actually just say that attributing her 2016 election loss to her failing is an oversimplification? Wow, that’s some kind of liberal spin. Losing is failing and that’s as simple as it gets.

As for Hillary’s chances of running in 2020, here’s the oddsmakers take:

“It’s somewhere between highly unlikely and zero, but it’s not zero,” Reines said.

“Not zero” in Hillaryland means she’s definitely running in 2020 and no one is more happy than Donald Trump:

It’ll be great if Hillary runs again because Trump will dismantle her even worse a second time around, but there’s plenty of other easy targets in the Democratic Party, should Clinton’s health deteriorate even further. Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, and “Creepy Porn Lawyer” Michael Avenatti will all be easy pickings for Trump, plus any campaign with these losers in it will be hysterical.