Andrew Gillum’s Campaign Calls Florida The ‘Cracker State’

Democrat Kristen Sinema is running to represent the people of Arizona in the US Senate despite the fact that she thinks all of the people in her state are crazy and stupid. Florida democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum was like, “Oh yeah, hold my beer.” A staffer of the socialist Bernie Sanders protege referred to the people of Florida as “crackers” and even said Gillum’s entire campaign is a lie. This probably doesn’t qualify as racist seeing as Gillum is back and his staff was racially slurring white people, because you know how those liberal rules for racism work.

Project Vertitas captured some interesting undercover video of Gillum’s staff. In one clip a staffer identified as Omar Smith sums up the campaign’s opinion on the people of Florida:

“This is a f*cked up ass state. It’s a cracker state. Get it? Ask anybody outside of here. You go Port St. Lucie, Orlando. Man them crackers ain’t gonna let us do that shit dawg. Boy, you crazy,” said Smith.

“Cracker” and “honky” don’t quite have the same impact against white people as the N-word does for blacks, but black people think they do, so this is definitely a racial slur. Smith delivers the word with contempt for white people so it counts as genuine racism, outside of those liberal rules I was talking about.

As for Gillum’s ideology, Smith may not exactly be on board, but he does have a pretty honest take:

“Gillum is a progressive. He is a part of the crazy, crazy, crazies,” Smith said.

When the undercover operative wanted to know how Gillum intends to pay for all of his progressive socialist ideas, Smith said the people had no right to know:

“That’s not for them to know. Remember our saying, modern-day fairy tales start with ‘once I am elected,’” said Smith.

In another clip a different staffer says that Gillum is lying to voters about his stance on gun control to appease the “gun-toting” people. Put altogether, this is an admission by his staff that Gillum’s entire platform is bullshit. Oh, and let’s not forget about the racism.

The liberal media hates “whataboutism” because it exposes their hypocrisy and shameless bias. I however love playing the “What If” game because it accurately shows the media’s liberal double standard. Imagine if the staffer for Republican Brian Kemp, who is running for governor in Georgia, said that the Peach State was really the “N-word State.” There would be nothing but outrage and wall-to-wall coverage on the national news. This same liberal media won’t touch Gillum’s staff calling Florida the “Cracker State” with a ten-foot pole.

That’s just one of the privileges of being a black democrat. If Gillum were white or a Republican, the news might be concerned with the damaging allegations of corruption against him. They would call into question another Gillum staffer who characterized white voters as “dumbf*cks.” They might even look into to his bogus campaign platform and empty promises. They sure as hell would talk about his anti-law enforcement rhetoric.

Politico is now reporting that Gillum has fired this racist staffer:

Andrew Gillum’s campaign has cut ties with a campaign vendor and volunteer, Omar Smith, who was caught on undercover video by the conservative Project Veritas group saying that Gillum isn’t leveling with voters over how successful his agenda will be if elected and, perhaps more controversially, for calling Florida a “f—ed up ass state. It’s a cracker state.” …From the campaign: “These comments don’t reflect the mayor or what our campaign is about. The campaign has no tolerance for the comments made in the video and we have severed ties.”

This is yet another advantage of being on the blue team. When one of their people gets caught doing something like this, all they have to do is fire that person and say it doesn’t reflect their values. In the same “what if” scenario from before, a Republican could fire the staffer and apologize profusely, but it would never be enough.

And in case you need any proof of what I’m saying, Politico referred to the Project Veritas tape as, “more hype than bombshell.” See, racism is only something conservatives get slammed for.