Women’s March Cancelled For Having Too Many White Women

You’d think that hating men and raging against the patriarchy would transcend race, but apparently there is a limit to how many white women can do it at the same time. A California chapter of the Women’s March has cancelled an upcoming rally because there were just too damn many white women who wanted to participate. Once again whitey ruins it for everyone.

This is a real headline from WJLA: California organizers cancel Women’s March due to ‘overwhelmingly white’ participants

Followed by a real article:

The organizers of the annual Women’s March have decided not to hold a rally in Eureka on Jan. 19, as previously planned, because they say participants do not represent the diversity of the area.

“This decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march,” said the organizers.

Eureka, CA is 88.5% white and 1.2% black. There is no diversity in this city to represent, but to accurately match the racial make-up of the area, they’d only need to find one person of color to participate and they’d have it covered. Maybe the organizers are trying to say they couldn’t rustle up even one non-white person, which points to the racism of the Women’s March more than anything else.

“Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community. Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach. Our goal is that planning will continue and we will be successful in creating an event that will build power and community engagement through connection between women that seek to improve the lives of all in our community,” said organizers.

I don’t know why, but I think this is pretty funny too:

The group said it is exploring holding an event in March to celebrate International Women’s Day. Anyone interested in helping organize these events are welcome and encouraged to attend.

They should  have included an asterisk that says, “no white women, though.” If they couldn’t find any non-whites for the January rally, what makes ‘em think they’ll get some for the March rally without asking specifically for it?

Maybe they should just rent some minorities for their next event. There has to be some kind of race-share app like Uber or Airbnb, right?

This is not the only chapter of the Women’s March to cancel a rally. Over in Chicago they don’t have too many white women, but possibly too many anti-Semites.

The Cleveland Jewish News reports:

Citing limited “time, money and effort,” the Women’s March in Chicago organization has canceled its 2019 march.

This development comes amid accusations of anti-Semitism within leadership of the national movement, such as their connections to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

The event was scheduled to take place on Jan. 19, the date marches are expected to be held nationwide for the third consecutive year in protest of U.S. President Donald Trump and his policies.

Oh, so these Women’s March rallies are protest President Trump’s policies? Is it ironic that these hysterical liberal feminists accuse the President of being racist and anti-Semitic but have to cancel their rallies because they are racist and anti-semitic themselves?

You know you are an intersectional liberal kook when “too many white people” is a problem. What makes this the kookiest thing of all time is that it’s a bunch of white women who have a problem with too many white women.