Joe Biden Wants Somebody To F*ck Up Republican Kevin Cramer

In recent weeks democrats have ramped up their crazy by calling for violence and hatred towards Republicans. Then a male stripper sent fake bombs to some top democrats and they suddenly wanted more civility. Joe Biden even made an impassioned plea against, “this division, this hatred, this ugliness” calling for everyone to tone down the rhetoric. But that was so last week and now Biden wants a union boss to beat the crap out of GOP Congressman Kevin Cramer.

Kevin Cramer is a US Rep. from North Dakota who is challenging Heidi Heitkamp for one of the state’s US Senate seats. I’ve already told you how the North Dakota democratic party is trying to suppress the Republican vote in an effort to save Heitkamp’s ass, which is down 9 points going into next week’s election. If that’s not bad enough, they rolled in Crazy Joe Biden to stir things up with the now-acceptable-again violent rhetoric.

At a rally for Heitkamp in Fargo, ND Biden first brought the crazy calling Cramer a “lying dog-faced pony-soldier.” No really, he did this. Watch the video.

Next Biden brought the violence when he was talking about soybeans. Yeah, Joe Biden managed to work a threat into a discussion about soybeans. Biden attributed a quote to Cramer in which the Republican allegedly said soybean farmers, “don’t have a very high threshold for pain.”

“Well I get the president of the trade unions up here and he’ll show him a threshold of pain,” said Biden.

There’s no ambiguity here, just an awkwardly worded Joe Biden sentence. Biden wants this union president to kick Kevin Cramer’s ass. He didn’t say the union was going show Cramer their power by not endorsing him, unions always endorse democrats. Biden also didn’t say the union boss was going give Cramer a strong talking to about soybean exports, he straight up said that the union president was going to physically assault the Republican.

When Biden delivered this threat the crowd laughed and cheered because threatening to physically harm Republicans is hilarious to shitty people. If there is ever a perceived threat against democrats however, it becomes completely outrageous. Being full of shit works like that.

This latest threat actually marks a departure for Biden, who fancies himself a tough guy. On several occasions Biden threatened to kick President Trump’s ass. Actually, he said he wanted to take Trump behind the gym, so he could have meant he wanted to do something else to Trump’s ass, but it was always Biden as the aggressor. Now, he’s trying to get other people to fight his battles. Maybe he’s getting too old for this stuff.

I’m not sure who the “president of the trade unions” is, but clearly the thousand-year-old Biden needs this guy to beat up the 57-year-old Cramer. Actually, I remember one time when Biden was asking reporters if they had seen his “butt buddy” so maybe this mystery union boss is him. If that’s the case, it really puts that “threshold of pain” comment into a new light and makes the threat that much more disturbing.

Biden is clearly planning to run for president in 2020 and I, for one, couldn’t be more excited. He doesn’t stand a chance at winning even the democratic primaries, but he always says the funniest and most f*cked up things ever. Any campaign, no matter how brief, will be truly hilarious and this Heitkamp rally is just a little taste of what we can expect.