School Considers Legal Action Against Students Giving Apparent Nazi Salutes

This is the United States of America and you have the right to be as big of an asshole as you want as long as your stink doesn’t get on anyone else. At least that’s the way it should be. A Wisconsin school district s mulling legal action against a group of students who took a picture giving what could be interpreted as Nazi salutes. Even if these morons are doing the “Zeig Heil” thing, what possible legal action could the school pursue against them? As was already mentioned, expression of idiocy is a protected free speech.

Here’s a picture of some of the class of 2019 at Baraboo High School at their junior prom:

As you can see some of these guys look like they are giving the Nazi salute, while others appear to be waving. There’s supposed to be a black student also doing this, but I can’t find him in the shot. It doesn’t really matter because this happened in Wisconsin, not Canada or Europe where there are laws against this kind of thing.

As Law & Crime reports, this picture has the school district ready to drop the hammer on these kids:

A Wisconsin school district is considering what consequences students should face after an alarming photograph surfaced, supposedly of the male students of the class of 2019. The image, tweeted from an account that has since been made private, allegedly shows dozens of Baraboo High School students at their junior prom giving the Nazi salute.

The Barbaroo School District has yet to issue a response, but their official Twitter account retweeted a message from School District Administrator Lori Mueller that addressed the issue, and it appears that they are taking the matter very seriously, even considering legal action, should it be deemed appropriate.

Again, what kind of legal action could this school take? Illegal use of the hands? This isn’t football.

To make matters worse, this picture wasn’t even taken on school grounds so it’s really none of the school’s business:

In a letter to parents, Mueller said that the school is conducting an investigation, and that the photo was not taken on school grounds or at a school-sponsored event.

I was going to say that the school could suspend or expel these students, but given that this happened off school grounds at an event that had nothing to do with the school, they literally have no reason to stick their noses into it. Also, “Baraboo” high school sounds kind of like a racial slur, doesn’t it? Maybe they should deal with that instead.

When I was in school my civics teacher showed us a video of a guy dressed in a full Nazi uniform giving a speech on Adolf Hitler’s birthday in front of a Synagogue. The lesson from this video was the the 1st Amendment protects all speech, even unpopular speech. That was a while ago, but to my knowledge the 1st Amendment hasn’t been repealed, though I’m sure the new democrat majority in the House is working on it.

I’m not defending these students actions, just their right to be assholes. In the same way that liberals can squee with delight when tragedy befalls conservatives, these knuckleheads can throw up a Nazi salute. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should, but our liberty suffers when the government starts deciding what we are allowed to do, say, and think.

It has also occurred to me that there is a logical non-Nazi explanation for this, like it’s related to school spirit or something. Given that liberals are freaking the hell out over this, it’s probably something completely innocuous.