Fake News CNN’s Lawsuit Against President Trump Is Fake Law

Last week CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta acted like a jackass in a press briefing and got his press pass revoked. Obviously Acosta was very sad about this and after crying to mommy, CNN filed a lawsuit against mean old President Trump. Butthurt is hardly the basis for civil action, but even the lawsuit CNN filed is filled with mistakes and lies. Is it really all that surprising that the number one purveyors of fake news are also doing fake law?

Last Wednesday Acosta was irritating President Trump in a White House press briefing. After asking a series of random stupid questions, Acosta was told to sit down and let some of the other reporters get a turn. Acosta refused so a White House intern tried to take the microphone away from. Acosta then, pushed the female intern’s arm away and kept pestering Trump. Because of this unprofessional behavior, Acosta’s “hard pass” was revoked, restricting his access to the White House.

On Tuesday CNN filed a lawsuit in federal court against Present Trump, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and the US Secret Service. Right off the bat, most of these people have nothing to do with Acosta’s ban, so the lawsuit is already founded in bullshit.

As The Daily Caller reports, there are several mistakes and lies in the lawsuit as well:

In the official lawsuit, CNN makes several errors in its recounting of the events of the press conference that led to the revocation of Acosta’s pass.

1. Mischaracterizes Acosta’s Questioning

2. Claims All Reporters Used The Mic To Ask Questions

3. Ignores Acosta’s Repeated Interruptions

4. Refuses To Acknowledge Acosta Physically Prevented Intern From Taking Mic

5. Inaccurately Suggests A Named Reporter Was At The Press Conference

If CNN doesn’t have a fact-checker going over their news before they report it, it stands to reason they wouldn’t get one to make sure everything in a lawsuit was true.

That’s pretty bad, but there is one whopper of a lie in the lawsuit The Daily Caller missed. Check out the introduction to suit:

Plaintiff Jim Acosta has been a journalist for more than two decades. For more than five years, Acosta has been CNN’s national political correspondent and, since January 2018, he has been the network’s chief White House correspondent. Acosta has covered the White House since 2012 and, since 2013, has possessed press credentials—often called a “hard pass”—that allow him regular and unescorted access to the White House and White House briefings. He is widely reputed as a diligent and thorough reporter for one of the nation’s most respected and widely watched networks. (emphasis mine)

Jim Acosta is widely reputed for his diligence and thoroughness? And CNN is widely respected and watched? In what fantasy world are these things even remotely true? Jim Acosta is a joke who is laughed at by every credible journalist in the country. CNN’s ratings are in the crapper and the network is least trusted of all the liberal fake news outlets. I kind of hope this lawsuit is allowed to proceed just because I’d like to see CNN try to prove these claims in a court of law.

I suspect this lawsuit is headed for the trash heap however because, by pure coincidence, a Trump-appointed judge has been assigned the case.

That’s too funny, but not nearly as hilarious as the lawsuit itself. This is the joke of the year: Fake news CNN put fake news in a fake lawsuit to defend a fake journalist. This is the most CNN thing that has ever happened.