John Kerry Is Embarrassed By America, Warns Trump Will Kill People

Former Secretary of State John Kerry is thinking about running for President again in 2020 after his failed 2004 bid. Because being a complete lunatic is all the rage among democrats these days, he thinks saying horrible things is what will propel him to front-runner status. Not only is Kerry embarrassed by America, he is warning that President Trump is going to kill people, including his his own grandchildren. I don’t know if this makes Kerry the favorite, but it sure does get his foot in the door at the DNC.

As Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry did exactly two things and they were both terrible. The first was the Paris Climate Accord which would have forced the US to give billions of dollars to other countries under the guise of halting global warming. The second was the Iran Nuclear Deal which paid the Iranians billions of dollars to pretend like they were no longer developing nuclear weapons. Thankfully both of these pieces of crap were done without Congressional approval and the second Donald Trump took office he undid them with a stroke of his pen. This happened many months ago, but Old Man Kerry just woke up from a nap and discovered his sad legacy has been wiped out.

Kerry did an interview with The Guardian and addressed Trump pulling the US out of the Paris Climate Accord.

“You know what I’m angry about? People are going to die because of the decision Donald Trump made. My kids and my grandkids are going to face a difficult world because of what Donald Trump has done. But if you sound angry all the time, people aren’t going to listen to you,” said Kerry.

People don’t ignore Kerry because he’s angry all the time, it’s because he says crazy fact-free things all the time. He just accused the President of the United States of condemning people to death, including his own family. That’s f*cking crazy, bro.

Still on the topic of Trump’s cancellation of the Paris Accord as well as the Iran Nuclear Deal, Kerry had some more crazy to unleash:

“Here’s my feeling. And I’m certain of this. I. Do. Not. Take. It. Personally. I’m sorry for the world. I’m sorry for my country, which looks ridiculous,” Kerry said.

At least he kind of acknowledges that it’s ridiculous to be embarrassed by the United States. I don’t think he means it though because when he was Obama’s SoS all he and the president did was fly around the world, apologizing for American exceptionalism.

Okay, Kerry hates America and accused Trump of being a homicidal dictator so he’s hitting on all the right points to excite the democratic base for a 2020 presidential run. Unfortunately, he’s still John Kerry and isn’t exciting in the least. Here’s his response to possibly running again:

“I haven’t ruled it out – I’m just going to think quietly about whether I think it’s … necessary. Whether I feel I can bring something to the table that’s essential,” said Kerry.

Yeah, even John Kerry doesn’t think he has anything to offer as President. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why he lost back in 2004. He certainly hasn’t become more relevant in the 14 years since. No worries, there’s still his career of being leftist lunatic Trump-hater, which he can do for at least the next 6 years.