Michigan’s Horrible Governor Drops The Mutha Of All F-Bombs Before DNC Appearance

That woman from Michigan, AKA the state’s horrible governor Gretchen Whitmer dropped, not just an F-bomb but, a mother F-bomb prior to her Democratic National Convention speech. Apparently she thinks the DNC is “like motherf*cking Shark Week” which doesn’t make a hell of a lot of sense, but she is a democrat so there’s that. Also the state does have a tradition of awful women politicians dropping MF-bombs as Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib celebrated winning a Congressional seat by saying she was going to “impeach that motherf*cker” Donald Trump.

Whitmer was waiting her turn to underwhelm people on the virtual DNC, standing in front of a crowd of union workers, who apparently don’t have to socially distance like the rest of Michigan, when for some reason she made this comparison:

In describing the DNC, Whitmer said, “It’s not just Shark Week, it’s” she then mouthed the word motherf*cking, “Shark Week.”

Whitmer was pleased with herself as two other people laughed. She then offered this explanation as to why she didn’t say the profane word out loud.

“I have learned about the hot mic,” Whitmer said.

But she obviously knows nothing about the “hot camera” since it was captured on video.

The question here is, what the hell is she talking about. How is the DNC like the Discovery Channel’s annual “Shark Week” programming? Star Week is a week long. The DNC is 4 days. People enjoy Shark Week and it brings in good ratings for The Discovery Channel, while nobody is watching the boring virtual DNC.

I did a little research and I think I may have found what Whitmer was getting at. Here’s a dude that says Shark Week is racist, which is exactly like the democratic party:

Here’s a fun exercise: Picture a scientist. What does that person look like? When kids have been asked, by researchers, to draw a scientist, those kids have typically drawn white men. Over the past 50 years, that’s improved, but kids still draw twice as many male scientists as female scientists.

What would happen if kids or adults drew a shark scientist after watching Shark Week this year? I’m wondering because, when Discovery Channel released its Shark Week 2020 schedule, every single scientist and researcher mentioned by name was a white man.

National Geographic’s Sharkfest, which spans two networks and five weeks, was not much better. In its announcement of 12 specials, it named eight experts, six of whom were white men.

When I asked both networks about their lack of diversity, both provided me with information about additional women and people of color featured…And both networks cited a lack of diversity in marine biology as a reason why their shows mostly featured white, male, on-camera experts.

The entire point of the 2020 Democratic National Convention is to nominate an old white man as the party’s presidential candidate. There have been 49 DNCs and in 47 of them the party nominated a white person.

On Shark Week there is some token diversity and the same is true of the democrats throwing Kamala on the ticket with Joe Biden. She however doesn’t get the top billing because this is about electing an elderly white man again, not breaking glass ceilings or having the kind of diversity they pretend they have.

The DNC differs from Shark Week because Sharks know where they are and have their own teeth unlike Joe Biden. Harris is a bottom-feeder though so there’s more similarities than not.

Democrats are usually terrible at analogies but Gretchen Whitmer hit this one out of the park. Shark Week is racist and so is the DNC. The problem is, when they accidentally stumble upon the truth it’s always something they didn’t mean to say and then never take credit for it.