Liberal Author Storms Out Of Sporting Goods Store Because They Sell Guns

I could see if they were performing abortions or playing Smash Mouth in a sporting goods store, but this is ridiculous. A liberal author claims he was so incensed that Big 5 was selling guns that he stormed out without making a purchase. Has this guy ever been to sporting goods store before? They tend to sell hunting gear, which includes, you know, hunting rifles and such. Even Dick’s, which stopped carrying “assault rifles” still sells hunting rifles and shotguns.

Jeff Pearlman is a best selling sports author and contributor at Sports Illustrated and ESPN. Recently he went to get his son a basketball, but upon entering an undisclosed Big 5 location, his liberal outrage got the best of him:

Is that his son in the picture looking on in awe of those glorious firearms? Maybe that’s why Pearlman had such a fit. He doesn’t like the idea of his boy taking an interest in shooting sports because according to liberals guns are only designed to kill. Also, I’m kidding about those being glorious firearms, Big 5 only sells low-end and even crappy guns.

My first observation is that Pearlman is full of shit. He’s a sports writer and amateur athlete. He has purchased sporting goods before and probably at Big 5. He knew damn well that Big 5 sells guns before feigning shock over this. The idea that he’s trying to pass off that he walked in and was gobsmacked by the gun rack is a complete lie.

Even if he had never been in a Big 5 before in his life, he still had to know that they sell guns. As a sports writer he most certainly gets and reads a newspaper. Every Sunday there is a Big 5 insert with all of their gun and ammo sales. On top of that, the Menendez brothers reportedly bought the shotguns they used to disassemble their parents with at Big 5 and that was all over the news. He knew.

He’s also lying that he walked right out after seeing the gun display. He obviously stopped to take a picture, so his faux outrage wasn’t as immediate as he’d like us to believe. I’d be willing to bet that everything else in his tweet is bullshit too. He probably didn’t go to Big 5 to buy a basketball for his son, but rather just to snap a picture of the guns so he can pretend like he’s a super-evolved parent and conscientious objector.

In a tweet sent hours after the fake gun outrage Pearlman sent another picture of himself playing basketball:

Where’d you get the basketball from, asshole?

This is why there can never be a conversation on guns with the left. The mere site of firearms, locked up on a rack, sends them into hysterics. They don’t think guns are safe in anyone’s hands and in fact believe that unloaded firearms with trigger locks in no one’s hands are a threat. They don’t want “commonsense gun safety reform” they want to ban private ownership of all firearms. Anyone who respects the 2nd Amendment doesn’t freak out over a legal gun dealer selling legal firearms.