Crazy Pastor Goes On Hunger Strike To Force People To Turn In Their Guns

As someone who isn’t a leftist kook I honestly don’t understand how various forms of protest achieve anything. The one I get the least is the hunger strike. You don’t want to eat? Fine, more food for me. A Liberal pastor in California has announced he will fast for 73 days with the stated goal of getting everyone to turn their guns in. He’s going to be one hungry mofo because I think I speak for every gun owner in America by saying that we’re keeping our firearms no matter how skinny this guy gets.

Rev. Mark Whitlock, the senior pastor at Christ Our Redeemer African Methodist Episcopal Church in Irvine, CA, stopped eating on November 9 and plans to keep his belly empty until January 9, 2019 which is MLK’s B-day. If you’re wondering how someone could possible go 73 days without eating, the answer is simple: this hunger strike is bullshit and he will be drinking juice and protein shakes.

Equally BS is the reason for this faux fast. Whitlock said he was inspired by the recent mass shootings in Pittsburgh and Thousand Oaks and wants to force a mass disarmament of the American people.

In an interview with the OC Register, Whitlock was asked what he hoped to accomplish with his hunger strike.

“I would like to see everyone turn their guns in. I would ask for gun control,” replied Whitlock.

Good luck with that. Also, gun control is restrictions on gun ownership while everyone turning in their guns is total disarmament. Words matter.

Well, words are supposed to matter but they don’t to liberals and even less to this weirdo.

“In the United States, we have more guns than we have people. It’s a sin to have so many weapons of death,” Whitlock said.

Not only doesn’t this guy understand the Bill of Rights, he has no idea what’s in the Ten Commandments.The 2nd Amendment states very clearly “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” but there is no commandment that says “Thou shalt not own a Glock.” I get it that a lefty pastor wouldn’t know or care about Constitutional rights, but it’s kind of shocking that he doesn’t know jack-squat about the Christian faith.

Whitlock is clearly insane, but this is just tip of his madness iceberg. When asked if this was the first time he’s ever gone on a hunger strike, this was his disturbing reply:

“No. I did it for 40 days last year. But, this is probably the first time I’ve done it for a specific cause,” said Whitlock.

So he went on a 40-day hunger strike last year for no particular reason? That is crazy as f*ck and anyone close to him should get him some help ASAP. He’s clearly a danger to himself and probably others. I actually would support some kind of gun control that would keep this nutter from ever getting his hands on a firearm.

This pastor is going to pretend to starve himself for 73 days with the hopes of getting us all to turn our guns in. I can say with 100% certain that not one single person in the US will forfeit his or her guns because of his protest. And that brings us back to my initial problem with liberal protests. What the hell is the point? These people should find something productive to do with their time.