Democrat NY State Senator Tells Republican To Kill Herself

Liberals have three things in their bag of tricks for a debate: yelling “Nazi!” or “racist!” profanity, and death threats. A New York State senator went with option “C” when the aide to a Republican busted him abusing his parking privileges. Technically this democrat told the Republican to go kill herself, so that might not be an actual death threat, but it’s still not any less horrible. Then again, maybe this guy is expanding the liberal debate repertoire, which would make him a trailblazer. I try to see everything on a positive light.

State Senator Kevin Parker told Republican Majority Deputy Communications Director Candice Giove to go die after she exposed him for exploiting his parking privileges. Here’s the now-deleted twitter exchange:

As you can see, Parker has invited Glove to suck on the business end of a double-barrel, which seems like a reasonable response to her busting his cheating ass. For some reason she was a little offended.

Parker deleted his tweet and then offered this half-assed apology:

He then halved the half-ass apology further with these comments to The Wall Street Journal in which he explained he was simply standing up to a “Twitter troll.”

“My words were not proper to say, and I’ve apologized for that. But let’s understand what this is about: She should be spending her time getting her conference in line with the values of the people of the state of New York,” said Parker.

Yeah, you know, like those values where you tell people to eat shit and die.

“I don’t know why it is a temper issue. Did I touch her? Did I yell at her? It was a tweet. That’s all it was. Had I said this to her in the hallway, would we be having this conversation? Probably not,” Parker said.

Well actually, if he had yelled for her to kill herself in her face it would have been much worse. This could be considered assault and he could have been arrested. Also, if it was no big deal, why’d he delete the tweet?

Actually, Glove got off easy. The WSJ reports that Parker is known for flipping the f*ck out over his illegal parking issues. In 2005 he hit a parking official for writing him a ticket for double parking. Is it weird that guy who has this much trouble with parking being named Parker? It’s like if James Baker flew into a rage every time he saw a cake.

Since nobody else will say anything, I guess I’ll have to bring it up. Parker is clearly black and Glove appears to be a white woman. Shouldn’t this be some kind of a misogynist hate crime? I know if a white Republican man told a female democrat to kill herself it would be. It would also be a big news story for the liberal media, who have decided to sit this one out.

Obviously this is part of the democrats’ plan to unseat President Trump in 2020. They know they have to expand their debating technique if they are going to take on the big dog. They added expressions of ill-will to racism, profanity, and violence. Word is they are also tinkering with uncontrollable crying and sissy slapping.