Sucks For CNN: Their Own Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Oppose Impeachment

Yet another sign that the hordes of TDS-afflicted zombies have been brainwashed by a media that is drinking its own Kool-Aid has popped up and it’s a beauty.

A new CNN poll has spectacularly backfired, bringing even more embarrassment on the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in news” and their all-star lineup of Trump haters and Obama regime stooges.

The incoming Democrat majority in the House hasn’t even completed the construction of the gallows from which they plan to lynch President Trump upon and there is already a threat that their party could be spoiled.

According to the poll by CNN, it turns out that perhaps the bloodthirsty Dems don’t have quite the widespread amount of public support for impeachment that they have convinced themselves exists in an America that has been divided by their vengeful party and their media mouthpieces.

The poll – which was conducted last week – not only shows a lack of enthusiasm for ousting Trump despite the booming job market and economy but that a MAJORITY of Americans aren’t down with the prospect of the Mueller-media-Democrat axis of evil reversing the results of a legitimate election and the will of 63 million voters.

Via The Washington Times, “Not so fast: Majority of Americans now oppose impeaching Trump, new CNN poll says”:

Though the news media appears obsessed with the idea of impeaching President Trump, the majority of Americans now oppose that idea according to a new CNN poll.

“With Democrats set to take control of the House in January, speculation abounds about whether the new majority would impeach the President. Americans break against that idea. Half — 50 percent — say they don’t feel that Trump ought to be impeached and removed from office,” wrote CNN polling director Jennifer Agiesta in her analysis.

Republicans have the president’s back: 91 percent agree that impeachment should not be on the table. Another influence has surfaced as well.

“The shift on impeachment comes mostly from political independents. In September, they were evenly split on the question, with 48 percent behind impeachment and 47 percent opposed. Now, 36 percent favor impeachment and 55 percent are opposed,” she said.

Hey, why not get it straight from the horse’s mouth?

Via CNN, “CNN Poll: Fewer support impeaching Trump”:

With Democrats set to take control of the House in January, speculation abounds about whether the new majority would impeach the President.

Americans break against that idea, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Half, 50%, say they don’t feel that Trump ought to be impeached and removed from office, while 43% say he should be. Support for impeachment has dipped some since September, when 47% favored it, and is about the same as in a June poll (42% favored it then). Support for impeachment of Trump remains higher than it was for each of the last three presidents at any time it was asked. It’s on par with President Richard Nixon, who 43% of Americans said should be impeached and removed from office in a March 1974 Harris poll.

The shift on impeachment comes mostly from political independents. In September, they were evenly split on the question, with 48% behind impeachment and 47% opposed. Now, 36% favor impeachment and 55% are opposed.

There’s also been a meaningful shift on the question among younger adults (53% of those under age 45 backed impeachment in September, now that’s down to 45%) and racial and ethnic minorities (66% favored it in September, 50% do now).

Man, that SUCKS for CNN!

As for the Democrats, it’s hardly the first time that they have grossly exaggerated the widespread national support for their radical ideas yet they never learn and like the perpetually doomstruck Wile E. Coyote, this one may well blow up in their faces too come election day 2020.