KISS’ Ace Frehley Tells Celebrities To STFU About Trump Or GTFO Of The Country

In the lead-up to the 2016 election, tons of celebrities said they would leave the country if Donald Trump won. Instead of leaving after Trump’s victory the celebrity elite have taken to a never-ending bitch-fest about the freely-elected President of the United States. KISS founding member Ace Frehley thinks these liberal entertainers should stick by their word and leave the country and if that’s not possible that they should seriously consider shutting the f*ck up.

Frehley did an interview with the Juliet: Unexpected podcast. Because in the Age of Trump any interview must involve bad mouthing President Trump, Frehley given the opportunity to join the chorus of all butthurt liberal celebrities, but he wasn’t having it.

“I hate politics. I don’t like talking politics, and I don’t think politics and music mix. I really frown on musicians who get up on a platform and start talking about the president or complain about… I just don’t think it belongs. I’m an entertainer. There’s no reason to bring up politics. Let me play my guitar and write songs and entertain people. That’s my job,” said Frehley.

When pressed further Space Ace spelled it out.

“Let me say this about Trump. Whether you love him or hate him, if you’re an American and you’re a patriot, you should get behind your president. He was elected. We live under the Constitution of the United States, and you’re supposed to support your president. Love him or hate him, you’re supposed to support him, or go move to another country… Being American, we have the right to free speech, and I’m all for everybody putting their two cents in on everything, but when musicians or actors get really verbal and jump on a bandwagon against our government, I don’t agree with that,” Frehley said.

No entertainer has ever said it more simply or perfectly: if you don’t like it, leave. Quit yer bitchin’.

This is awesome, but unfortunately Frehley qualified this with an “if” that will allow celebrities to continue to complain about Trump without being obliged to GTFO. He said, “if you’re a patriot” and liberals are definitely not. They hate this country, especially when a Republican is in office. A much better rule would be that if they live here and reap the benefits of the greatest nation the world has ever seen that they should show at least a little appreciation.

Frehley didn’t deliver this advice as a right-wing radical or a hardcore Trump supporter, he’s essentially apolitical, he just offered this up as the reasonable way to behave. Reason is another thing that liberals hate so this is not likely to affect the Trump Derangement Syndrome suffers of the entertainment industry in any way.

When I was a kid I was KISS fanatic and Ace was always my favorite. I still have all my old KISS albums on vinyl and even my KISS lunchbox. I still love KISS’ music, Ace is still my favorite, and this makes my love him even more. Too bad more musicians and actors can’t understand that their job is to entertain, not preach.