Activist Judge Who Accused Gen. Flynn Of Treason Guts Trump Asylum Policy

In what may be an indication that he is not an unbiased and impartial member of the judiciary as advertised by the media, the same judge who all but accused General Michael Flynn of treason this week has dealt a blow to President Trump’s tough immigration policies.

Federal judge Emmett Sullivan on Wednesday took a meat ax to stringent requirements on asylum when it comes to migrants who claim to be fleeing from domestic or gang violence.

Judge Sullivan’s decree was an early Christmas gift to the political left and corporations that have championed an elimination of borders and puts the ability of the administration to enforce the nation’s immigration laws in limbo.

Adding insult to injury, Sullivan also ordered that any migrants who were deported under the policy to be flown back to the United States.

Via The Hill, “Judge strikes down bulk of Trump asylum policy”:

A federal judge on Wednesday struck down most of the policies former Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued that made it almost impossible for victims of domestic and gang violence to seek asylum.

Judge Emmet Sullivan, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, said the policies, which created a stricter test to satisfy the “credible fear” standard for asylum claims, were unlawful.

He also ordered the government to return to the United States the plaintiffs who were unlawfully deported under the policy.

The policy changes came in an immigration case in which Sessions reversed a grant of asylum for a Salvadoran woman who claimed to have fled years of abuse by her then-husband. In that case, Sessions said victims of domestic violence or gang violence perpetrated by nongovernmental actors generally will not qualify for asylum.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders issued the following statement slamming Sullivan’s decision.

Statement from the Press Secretary

Today, a court has, once again, overridden and undermined United States immigration law.  Under the law, asylum is a discretionary benefit for aliens who have a well-founded fear of persecution on account of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Today’s ruling will further overwhelm our immigration courts with meritless cases, making the existing massive backlog even worse.  It will also encourage more illegal immigration to the United States, to the benefit of ruthless smuggling organizations that too often victimize young women and children.  Today’s ruling is only the latest example of judicial activism that encourages migrants to take dangerous risks; empowers criminal organizations that spread turmoil in our hemisphere; and undermines the laws, borders, Constitution, and sovereignty of the United States.  We will continue to fight for the rule of law and against these reckless rulings.

The activist judge’s decision has given new momentum to those that are championing the flooding of the country with illegal immigrants despite the inconvenient truth that such an influx would likely break the back of the nation’s already strained social safety net.

This abominable ruling by a Clinton appointee to the bench along with the despicable treatment of General Flynn calls into question the wisdom of lifetime appointments that in theory are supposed to be beyond politics but in reality, it’s exactly the opposite.