Miserable Pricks Can’t Even Stop Hating On Trump For One Day At Christmas

Not even Christmas is a deterrent to the rabid Trump haters and the sensationalist media that has turned every news cycle into a bitter hatefest resembling an endless loop of George Orwell’s “The Two Minutes Hate” as they vent their spleens against the president.

And so it was on Christmas Eve – an unusually busy news day this year – when unhinged media figures went to bed without visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads but more hatred for the man who won the last election fair and square.

President Trump and First Lady Melania took calls from kids on NORAD’s Santa hotline and the Grinches just couldn’t help themselves when they distorted one comment by the POTUS into Trump stealing Christmas.

This is totally insane.

Via Reuters, “Still believe in Santa at your age? Trump ignites Twitter storm”:

President Donald Trump set off a Christmas social media storm when he asked whether a 7-year-old was too old to believe in Santa Claus, capping a week of plunging stocks, a government shutdown and the U.S. defense chief’s unceremonious departure.

Twitter lit up like a Christmas tree after Trump made his remark during a holiday event with first lady Melania Trump, taking calls from children calling the North American Aerospace Defense Command Santa tracker.

A Christmas tradition, the tracker delights children with “real-time” updates on Saint Nick’s Christmas Eve journey.

In one of the Christmas Eve calls, Trump chatted with a 7-year-old.

“Are you still a believer in Santa?” Trump asked the child. “Because at 7, it’s marginal, right?”

In a twinkling, Twitter was bombarded with messages railing against the president for what sounded to some as if he was casting doubts on a cherished fantasy of childhood.

“It’s just too freaking fantastic that Trump spent his Christmas Eve calling seven year olds and telling them believing in Santa at their age is ‘marginal,’” Democratic Senator Chris Murphy said on his Twitter account.

Senator Chris Murphy? This twit is a perfect example of the evil clowns that comprise the Democrat circus.

Then there was the supposedly serious “news” people like NBC’s Andrea Mitchell aka Mrs. Alan Greenspan:

And the cacophony of the rest of the swine including disgruntled former US Attorney Preet Bharara who was fired by Trump which the entitled one has clearly not gotten over.

Also, an old gay man who just happened to luck into a lifetime ride on the gravy train by playing a character in a certain iconic 1960s science fiction TV series:

Some of the others:

What does it say about the character (or lack thereof) from these people who are so bitter and consumed with hate that they can’t even give it a rest at Christmas?

What a pack of miserable bitches and bastards.