Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, it’s Friday!

Same Sketchy Journalists Claim Again Michael Cohen in Prague Story…

By Sundance

McClatchy journalists Peter Stone and Greg Gordon are once again attempting to prop-up the most disproven allegation in the Chris Steele/Nellie Ohr dossier about Michael Cohen making a trip to Prague.  They appear to stir this false story approximately every six months.  [See Here]  This iteration is framed around cell-phone tower pings.

Michael Cohen has denied the claim for years.  Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, has clearly denied the claim.  The special counsel has reviewed and walked-away from the claim.  The Washington Post spent months trying to substantiate the claim, and could find no evidence [See Here].  According to WaPo reporter Greg Miller, the CIA and FBI have refuted the claim.  It simply did not happen.

However, that said, the Cohen mistake within the Dossier continues to point toward how the FISA-702 FBI/NSA database was likely exploited by government intelligence ‘contractors’ to extract political opposition research. Their FISA(16)(17) “about” queries of the database simply returned a result of the wrong Michael Cohen.

Read the entire article HERE.

Riots Loom As Food Stamp Cash Will Run Out By End Of January If Government Shutdown Continues

Via Zero Hedge

According to the Department of Agriculture, if this government shutdown stretches into February there won’t be money for food stamps. And it certainly looks like this shutdown could last for quite a while, because President Trump is not backing down on his demand for border wall funding, and the Democrats have pledged not to give him a single penny.

So a few weeks from now, approximately 38 million people could be suddenly cut off from the food stamp program. If that scenario were to unfold, there is no telling what could happen. After just a few days, government workers are already freaking out about having their paychecks delayed.

If people are getting this restless already, what will things look like when tens of millions of Americans are suddenly cut off from their primary source of food money?

The mainstream media is blaming this shutdown entirely on President Trump, and that gives the Democrats a tremendous amount of leverage. The longer this shutdown lasts, the more painful it will become for ordinary Americans, and once food stamp funds run out the pressure on President Trump to surrender will be immense.

Will Trump be able to keep going once tens of millions of Americans are yelling and screaming about having their food stamp benefits cut off?

Read the entire article HERE.

London’s Khan Demands Gang Database Overhauled as 4 in 5 Named Are Black

Via Breitbart News

Labour’s London Mayor Sadiq Khan has called for the Metropolitan Police’s gangs matrix to be overhauled because the vast majority named are young, black men.
A review for the London mayor found that three-quarters were under the age of 25 and 80 per cent were black, with the authors saying that it was a higher proportion than were likely to be perpetrators or victims of gang violence, reports The Guardian.

Alleging potential racial discrimination, the review, published Friday, said, “We must acknowledge the possibility of conscious or unconscious bias against young black males in London – whether the term ‘gang’ is now heavily racially loaded and that this perception that a gang is often comprised of young black males, and ergo that young black males are often in a gang, either directly or unconsciously influences the enforcement focus of the police and subsequent actions of the justice service.”

Mr Khan responded that while he acknowledged the matrix was a useful tool for dealing with gang violence, “to many Londoners, the way it is applied and enforced is a cause for concern and it needs to be comprehensively overhauled to ensure it is used lawfully and proportionately.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Liberalism and zealotry

Via The American Thinker

Those of us a little older can gauge the direction the country seems to be going from decades of personal observation.  Some of the changes wrought through the victories of political liberalism are:

1.  Sexual perversion brought out of the shadows, advocated, and institutionalized.
2.  Unimaginable debt cleverly crafted to bring ruin to the next generation.
3.  Importation of adherents of a murderous religion.
4.  Extermination of children.
5.  Importation of a foreign population to replace exterminated children.
6.  Extension of government control to every aspect of life.
7.  Rabid outrage over global warming during the coolest period in the last 100 years.

One cannot help but wonder what motivates those whose collective actions are pushing the country further down the path to destruction.  At first glance one might think that liberals are just stupid and unable to understand what they are doing.  However, one of the most liberal environments one could find is the college campus, where at least some students are selected for high intelligence.

Read the entire article HERE.

LeBron James Exposes Sports Media’s Far Left Wing Bias

By Clay Travis

A real sports media that was interested in speaking truth to power instead of kissing up to it would ask LeBon how sharing lyrics from raps like this square with his quest to end youth violence. That’s especially the case because LeBron is a 34 year old billionaire who hasn’t lived a hard life for twenty years now. He’s as hard as vanilla ice cream left outside in July.

While I’m far from a rap scholar these lyrics definitely seem to glorify street violence, ridicule cooperation with police, and embrace misogyny and racism on a pretty clear level. If anything, LeBron quoted the least offensive lyrics in the entire rap on his Instagram. Everything in this song is the exact opposite of what LeBron has publicly stated he’s in favor of: equality for all and nonviolence,

Now, again, I’m a first amendment absolutist so I’m not saying LeBron can’t quote rap lyrics he likes or share stupid and racist opinions about white NFL owners being slavemasters — and I certainly support any rapper saying anything they want to say in their music — I just think LeBron shouldn’t get a pass for his blatant hypocrisy here.

The sports media shouldn’t be playing favorites and discriminating how they treat someone based on their race, gender and politics.

Unfortunately, they are.

LeBron gets a pass because he’s black and “woke” when many other don’t because they aren’t the right color and they aren’t the right political persuasion.

Read the entire article HERE.

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