Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! Today is hump day.

The 1619 Project Is Garbage History

Via The Federalist

The irony of the New York Times’ 1619 Project is that it embraces the critique of the American Founding espoused by the leading defender of Southern slavery, Sen. John C. Calhoun.

It’s impossible to understand The New York Times’ 1619 Project as anything but sweeping historical revisionism in the service of contemporary left-wing politics.

The gist of the project, named for the year the first Africans were brought to North America to be sold as slaves, is that everything about America, from our capitalist economy to our politics to the food we eat, can be explained by slavery and race. In other words, America was conceived in sin, born of evil intent, and all its lofty ideals about equality and liberty are nothing but a sham—the hypocritical stylings of slavers and white supremacists bent on the subjugation of their fellow man.

The Times is unambiguous: “In the days and weeks to come, we will publish essays demonstrating that nearly everything that has made America exceptional grew out of slavery.” The arrival of those slaves in Virginia in 1619, we’re told, “inaugurated a barbaric system of chattel slavery that would last for the next 250 years and form the basis for almost every aspect of American life.”

Everything that made America exceptional, every aspect of American life, all of it the legacy of slavery. The Times’ entire purpose here, by its own admission, is to “reframe the country’s history” by placing slavery “at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.” It should come as no surprise that, in this telling, we are an irredeemably wicked people, and always have been.

Read the entire article HERE.

Facebook Bans “Women for Trump” Ads, Because They Target “Gender”

Via The Conservative Treehouse

Facebook has removed President Trump’s pro-women re-election advertisements, according to reports from tech site Gizmodo, as well as the left-wing Popular Information blog that reported a “violation” of Facebook’s terms and conditions.

Facebook policy states advertisers may not have “direct or indirect assertions or implications” about race, ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, religion, or financial standing. So the Women For Trump advert was banned… for referring to women.

Another ludicrous “woke” policy used to suppress conservative content.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Brain-Washing War on America’s Mind and Soul

Via The Epoch Times

There is a sinister war underway, a war of mental conditioning, as a new united front of communists, socialists, and liberals in media and politics attacks the American mind and soul as something immoral and hateful—something to be reviled as “racist” in every tweet and every news story, and demonized as “white nationalist” over every airwave, all to a point of reflexive consensus in the public square.

The ravages of history bear witness to the heinous results of eerily similar campaigns of public revilement in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and other totalitarian echo chambers. Should the tens of millions of Americans today and every day lashed as “racists” and “white nationalists”—that is, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who support Donald Trump—be worried?

To be honest, it never before occurred to me to pose such a question. After all, this brainwashing war on the American mind and soul isn’t new. In fact, it’s over 100 years old, advanced in a highly organized way on the emergence of communist powers after the Russian Revolution of 1917. These powers have been used to destroy our nation from within by undermining religion and morals, breaking down the family, and subverting the educational system.

While a succession of presidents and generals “went that-a-way” to fight wars against communist armies everywhere else in the world, a very different kind of army of communists, socialists, and liberals never stopped their “boring from within,” hollowing out and crashing the American mind and soul at home.

Read the entire article HERE.

We Are All Conspiracy Theorists Now

Via Taki’s Magazine

It’s extraordinarily telling about the national mindset that shortly after the FBI announced they are classifying “conspiracy theories” as a “domestic terrorism threat,” far more Americans believe the “conspiracy theories” about Epstein’s death than are buying the official story.

The circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death form such a perfect storm of fuckups and unanswered questions, one may be forgiven for suspecting the Powers That Be are toying with us because they know there’s nothing we can do about it.

What we are commanded to believe—lest we be labeled paranoid conspiracy theorists and therefore domestic-terrorists-in-waiting—is that an absurdly wealthy convicted pedophile with a known penchant for wining and dining the rich and powerful at sex parties where every single move was videotaped and stored for blackmail purposes was allowed to kill himself less than three weeks after a previous alleged suicide attempt because he was taken off suicide watch with no explanation and left alone in his cell at a time when the cameras stopped working and the guards—both of them—conveniently fell asleep. And all this happened at a jail where there hadn’t been a suicide in over 40 years.

In the endless struggle between being paranoid and gullible, count me “paranoid” once more.

Read the entire article HERE.

The New York Times Is the Trump-Hate Drug Kingpin

Via American Greatness

The daily supply of Russian collusion dope dried up, but Trump-hating addicts don’t need rehab just yet: The Times is stocking up another toxic potion—white supremacy—to poison the body politic and cure any collusion withdrawal symptoms.

If Russian collusion has been the opiate of the Trump-hating masses for more than two years, the New York Times was one of its biggest suppliers.

Since late 2016, desperate to drown their sorrows over Donald Trump’s shocking win, political junkies on the Left and NeverTrump Right eased their inner pain with a daily collusion fix injected courtesy of the Gray Lady. With one click on the front page or opinion section, Times’ readers could satisfy their anti-Trump addiction while making them feel, if only for a few fleeting moments, powerful and in control.

Pain would give way to rage, then a false sense of hope. Surely the man installed by Vladimir Putin would never serve out his term, they would say to themselves while feeding their insatiable craving. And just as the high wore off, the Times would offer another hit, provoking hallucinations about Trump and his corrupt family being hauled out of the White House in handcuffs by Robert Mueller.

So, in a way, you can’t blame the Times for obsessively covering the fabricated Trump-Russia collusion storyline. It’s what successful drug dealers do—keep their customers hooked on a steady drip of dope and desperate for more.

The paper’s executive editor admitted as much during a closed-door meeting with dozens of Times’ reporters on August 11, after a somewhat positive front-page headline about the president enraged Times staff and readers.

Pivoting to the failed effort to prove that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians to sway the 2016 election, Dean Baquet confessed his news organization trafficked the collusion drug until it lost its potency.

“The day Bob Mueller walked off that witness stand, two things happened. Our readers who want Donald Trump to go away suddenly thought, ‘Holy shit, Bob Mueller is not going to do it.’ And Donald Trump got a little emboldened politically, I think,” Baquet said during a “crisis town hall meeting” at the paper’s headquarters last week.

“And I think that the story changed,” he added. “A lot of the stuff we’re talking about started to emerge like six or seven weeks ago. We’re a little tiny bit flat-footed. I mean, that’s what happens when a story looks a certain way for two years. Right?”


Read the entire article HERE.

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