Liberal D-List Celebrity Vows To Kill The Republican Party

If you were wondering what ever happened to Saturday Night Live alum Jane Curtin, she’s apparently forming some kind of crybaby liberal militia to wipe out all Republicans. In one hell of a New Year’s resolution, the aged washed up actress said in 2019 she will make sure the Republican Party dies. Maybe she should have resolved to get work again, but this is good too.

Ringing in the New Year, President Trump sent out a positive message wishing well to both the haters and the fake news:

Liberals however are not so positive so and suffering from a collective case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. In one seriously creepy looking cameo, Jane Curtin popped up in CNN’s New Year’s Eve coverage with this horrible thing:

“My New Year’s resolution is to make sure that the Republican Party dies,” said Curtin.

This does qualify as a massive death threat, as ridiculous as it is. She doesn’t say she wishes the Republican Party dies but rather that she will make sure that happens. She’s saying that she will actively participate in and spearhead the effort to murder every registered Republican in the country.

Bring it, fool. I’m a Republican and she can try starting this campaign of death off with me. I should warn her that I would kick her boney old-lady ass, plus as a Republican I both support 2nd Amendment gun ownership rights and exercise them. I think that she’ll find all Republicans are armed and even if she manages to put together an army of liberal soy boys, they’ll be no match.

Of course CNN, included this as part of their New Year’s celebration, it’s what they do as the leaders of the anti-Trump Resistance. Imagine if a conservative celebrity had said he or she wanted to make sure the Democratic Party died. That would be both outrageous and a threat to our democracy. When a liber D-lister says she wants to kill off the Republican Party however, it’s amusing and even whimsical.

In the words of Chevy Chase: “Jane, you ignorant slut.”

Obviously Jane Curtin lacks the means to ensure the death of all Republicans, or even one, but that doesn’t excuse her horribleness. This is another liberal celebrity saying that if you don’t buy into their leftist bullshit, you deserve to die. For a group of people who are always preaching inclusion and acceptance they sure are an intolerant bunch.