If the Democrats get their way, the USA may soon be the USSA, at least according to the Lady Gaga of communism Democratic socialism.
The transformation of the Democrats into a party that if not restrained by voters, will bring socialism to America continues to pick up steam with the promotion of what is being called “The Green New Deal” that they seek to impose upon Americans who are largely ignorant of history.
Thanks to the irrational hatred of President Trump and the rejection of a legitimate election, embittered brainwashed millennials and other low information types have been drawn to the ideas of Karl Marx as repackaged by the likes of Bernie Sanders like lepers seeking relief in the healing waters at Lourdes.
In normal times, a raving socialist crank like the geriatric Sanders would have been exiled to the fringes but the Vermont senator was able to capitalize on leftist revulsion of Hillary Clinton and her Wall Street backers to get these historically failed ideas into the mainstream.
While Bernie is long in the tooth, he has managed to cultivate legions of disciples including the 29-year-old sensation Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who despite her extremist ideas has managed to parlay her youth and good looks into being a fixture in the media.
Now that “Green New Deal” is being embraced by 2020 presidential hopefuls like Beto O’Rourke, Ocasio-Cortez is no longer constrained and can openly fess up that she is talking about class warfare and the inevitable confiscation of wealth and property from productive members of society to redistribute to those loyal to the party.
With a big national coming out party on CBS’s flagship Sunday night “news” program “60 Minutes” upcoming, the former bartender is finally able to admit what the true cost for her utopian vison will be and it is unlike anything ever imposed on Americans before.
The advance previews from “60 Minutes” are now being circulated and AOC is proposing AT LEAST a 70 percent tax rate the higher income brackets.
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is proposing taxing the wealthy as high as 70% to fund a climate change plan she's pushing called the "Green New Deal" https://t.co/7GrM9d9Dbb pic.twitter.com/8Cmeyyzjce
— CNN (@CNN) January 4, 2019
Even CNN can’t hide this radical vision anymore, “Ocasio-Cortez suggests 70% tax for wealthy to fund climate change plan”:
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proposed taxing the wealthy as high as 70% to fund a climate change plan she’s pushing called the “Green New Deal.”
“There’s an element where, yeah, people are going to have to start paying their fair share in taxes,” the freshman New York lawmaker said in an interview with Anderson Cooper that’s slated to air Sunday on CBS’ “60 Minutes.”
In a clip of the interview that was released on Friday, Cooper asked Ocasio-Cortez about the specifics of the “Green New Deal,” a plan that calls for reducing carbon emissions to zero and moving the country off of fossil fuels in 10 years.
The interview was conducted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a perfect example of the incestuous relationships between media conglomerates that control all that the American people see and hear.
CNN's Anderson Cooper taking shots while drunk on live TV: "Ah! Gaw! Ah! Aw! It’s like burning your lungs! Aw! [Weird hissing sounds]" pic.twitter.com/5XkM08PReo
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) January 1, 2019
Last seen making a fool of himself on national TV when he was throwing tequila shots down on New Year’s Eve, Cooper served up softballs to the ersatz revolutionary.
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants people to get taxed at a rate of up to “70%,” demands Americans “start paying their fair share in taxes” pic.twitter.com/BkOSexJaAU
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) January 4, 2019
But Cooper failed to provide viewers with the important context that the “Green New Deal” is really a Trojan Horse for socialism and the pretense of fighting global warming is only window dressing for what will be a far more radical agenda that includes eliminating racism and reconfiguring society in a manner that has historically resulted in misery followed by ruination and often culminating in piles of dead bodies.
This prescient piece provides the context that CNN’s ace “journalist” leaves out.
Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal': A Radical Mandate for Government Control of American Society https://t.co/rJ2quFLReK
— Grabien (@GrabienMedia) January 3, 2019
Via Grabien “The ‘Green New Deal’: A Radical Mandate For Government Control Of American Society”:
Ocasio Cortez’s plan imagines creating a national jobs force to help people participate in this “transition.” The Green New Deal, it says, shall “provide all members of our society, across all regions and all communities, the opportunity, training and education to be a full and equal participant in the transition, including through a job guarantee program to assure a living wage job to every person who wants one.”
The plan also imagines creating governmental support for “transitioning” minority communities. The deal shall: “ensure a ‘just transition’ for all workers, low-income communities, communities of color, indigenous communities, rural and urban communities and the front-line communities most affected by climate change, pollution and other environmental harm including by ensuring that local implementation of the transition is led from the community level.”
More, Ocasio-Cortez sees this plan is being a vehicle through which social equality might finally realized through the use of reparations to right historical injustices. The final Green New Deal will “mitigate deeply entrenched racial, regional and gender-based inequalities in income and wealth (including, without limitation, ensuring that federal and other investment will be equitably distributed to historically impoverished, low income, deindustrialized or other marginalized communities in such a way that builds wealth and ownership at the community level).”
Rest assured, if Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez are successful in bringing socialism to America, then it will march in upon the red carpet that CNN and other media organizations have rolled out.