Wealthy Hollywood Bernie Bro Mark Ruffalo Cries Capitalism Is ‘Killing Us’

Hulk mad! Hulk smash capitalism! Actor Mark Ruffalo, who portrays Bruce Banner/Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is so pissed off about the system that made him a millionaire, he wants to annihilate it. The Bernie Sanders cultist wants a socialist revolution because in his estimation capitalism is killing everyone. Sure, there’s no such thing as an entertainment industry under socialist rule, but maybe this time will be different.

Here’s a fun tweet from a guy who really hates himself:

When wacko leftists use the word “us” what they really mean is themselves. They have no idea what’s going on outside of their elite bubble, so it’s preposterous to think that they are speaking for everyone in this country or that they even give a shit about anyone but themselves.

With that in mind, how has capitalism failed Mark Ruffalo? He’s worth $30 million. He got that money because he has a marketable skill that people are willing to pay for. He wasn’t granted that wealth by the state because he needed it; he earned it and that’s something that would be impossible under socialism.

Because he’s an actor, Ruffalo also drama queened the idea that capitalism is killing him. Really? How? By making him rich beyond most people’s imagination? I’m sure there’s plenty of people in this country that would take a death-blow like that.

Also, Ruffalo’s children (if he has any) have a very secure future. Even if they turn out like most drug-addicted loser celebrity offsprings they’ll always have daddy’s money and name to mooch off of.

The biggest thing Ruffalo doesn’t get with his call for a socialist revolution is: entertainment is the first thing to go. There are no rich socialist actors. There is no socialist entertainment industry. In Ruffalo’s dream system, the state would seize his assets and distribute them to the common folk and there would be no way for him to reacquire his wealth.

To make a movie, there needs to be investors to finance the project. Under socialism, nobody has discretionary funds to bankroll a film project. The movie then has to be sold to the public to pay the investors and actors but under socialism, everything is “free” including movie tickets. “The Hulk Smashes Capitalism” could never be made without capitalism.

Presumably Ruffalo could star in state-sponsored propaganda films extolling the virtues of socialism, but there won’t be nearly the money involved like the current Hollywood capitalist system he hates so much.

If Hulk feels bad about his outrageous fortune, there’s a pretty easy fix that doesn’t involve destroying America: he could give his money away to people less fortunate than him. Much like Bernie’s “Patriotic Millionaires” who want to pay more taxes, there is nothing stopping Ruffalo from giving his money away.

Mark Ruffalo hating on capitalism is like all liberals despising America. They are furious at the system that has given them everything. In reality, this hatred is self-loathing. They are disgusted by themselves and want to make everyone else as miserable as they are. Instead of blowing up the greatest country the world has ever known, maybe they should go talk to a therapist and work their shit out.