Anti-Communist Fliers Treated As Hate Crime In Seattle

This should come as no surprise, but if you have anti-communism opinions in the Seattle area, you could be arrested and jailed on a hate crime charge. Someone left fliers with a simple anti-communist message in Seattle and neighboring communities and the police are treating it as a bias crime. The question is, bias against who? Communists? Apparently communists are now among the protected class of people, which officially makes Seattle dumber than San Francisco.

Here’s a crazy-ass thing from The Seattle Post-Intelligencer:

Residents in West Seattle, Tacoma and beyond discovered fliers citing a white nationalist hate group in their neighborhoods Sunday, prompting police to investigate who is responsible for the littering.

Seattle police said nearly 50 fliers, slipped inside plastic bags and weighed down with rocks, were left on planting strips near the Alaska Junction area of West Seattle and in other nearby neighborhoods.

Tacoma police confirmed the same fliers turned up — about 30 to 50 of them — in the 5800 block of McGhee Street Sunday morning. Two neighbors collected them and reported the incident to the Tacoma Police Department, Sgt. Loretta Cool confirmed Monday.

As you can see, the fliers simply read: “Better dead than red.” There are no racial slurs or anything that could be construed as hate speech. It also isn’t a threat to kill communists, but rather a statement that says it’s better to die a free patriot than live under communist rule.

How can this possibly be considered hate speech? Well, because the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League say so:

They included an anti-communist slogan and URL citing the website for Patriot Front, a white nationalist organization labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League and Counter Extremism Project.

The ADL even went so far as t classify this message as anti-Semitic propaganda:

No, actually propaganda is pro-communism slogans about empowering the workers and such bullshit like that. This is most definitely an anti-communist message and has nothing to do with racism, hate, or anti-Semitism.

I have no idea if Patriot Front is a hate group and I don’t care. They are against communism and that’s okay with me. For the Seattle PD? Not so much. The cops are actively investigating this non-crime, but here’s the kicker:

Seattle police have not linked the fliers to any specific people, but ask anyone with information to call the bias crimes unit at 206-684-5550.

Since they want people to call into their “bias crime unit” the Seattle PD is clearly not investigating this a a littering offense, they consider it a hate crime.

I would like to point out that wanting to arrest and jail people for spreading an anti-communist message is about the most communist thing I can think of. This is literally something Joseph Stalin would have done and not anything that should be happening in a free society like the United States of America.

If you needed any more proof that liberals are communist scum who hate this country and free speech, this should do it. How soon before they start arresting people for flying American flags or standing for the National Anthem?