Pramila Jayapal Claims Trump Wants To Cleanse The U.S. Of Non-White People

There is mind-bogglingly stupid and then there is just plain dangerous and Democrat Pramila Jayapal represents both in the same package.

The Seattle socialist continues to push the envelope on race-baiting demagoguery of the type that is eventually going to get people killed when she made the audacious claim to MSNBC’s androgynous Chris Hayes that President Trump wants to banish all people of color from the USA.

This is not only bullshit but borderline insane but it passes for standard fare to MSNBC and the electronically lobotomized zombies who follow the network.


Via The Washington Free Beacon, “Jayapal: Trump Wants to ‘Make America Pure’”:

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.) accused President Donald Trump of using his proposal for a southern border wall to advance a racist agenda, during a Thursday appearance on MSNBC’s “All In.”

“His ultimate goal is, as you said, to make America pure, in the sense of not having immigrants, not having folks of color here, and shutting down every form of legal immigration,” she said.

Jayapal’s comment came in response to host Chris Hayes’ assertion that supporters of the border wall wanted an “ethnically pure America.”

Jayapal went on to say that Trump’s rhetoric about immigration and the border wall is bringing “real damage, not only to real people but also to our soul and our psyche.” She also said Republicans in Congress favor a reduction in all forms of immigration.

There are no limits to the fanaticism of the new breed of Democrats.