SHOCK AND AWE! Mueller’s Office Debunks BuzzFeed Bombshell

The table was being set up perfectly for the impeachment of President Trump using testimony from the dirty squealing rat Michael Cohen who will testify in a public setting before Congress next month.

It will be a nationally televised media circus and the media received their talking points early, jumping all over a ButtFeed BuzzFeed bombshell that Cohen would finger Trump for ordering him to lie to Congress on the sketchy Trump Tower Moscow talks that reek of a classic FBI entrapment scheme.

With the authors of the Cohen tale becoming the left’s next great hope for impeachment despite one of them admitting that he had not seen the material, the story began to develop a very fishy odor right off the bat.

Then liberals were hit with a devastating sucker punch when the story blew up entirely after Mueller himself released a rare statement that effectively sunk the BuzzFeed piece and quite possibly, the impeachment dreams of the entire anti-Trump resistance that has in another act of alchemy turned Cohen from a slimy scumbag into a saint.

Via Fox News, “Mueller team disputes BuzzFeed report claiming Trump told Cohen to lie”:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office on Friday issued an extraordinary statement disputing a bombshell news report that claimed President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie about the timing of discussions over a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, said.

The statement is remarkable in that Mueller’s team rarely issues statements in response to news stories. But BuzzFeed’s story sparked immense interest from Democrats, who called for renewed investigations and even suggested the allegations could be a basis for impeachment proceedings.


The left is now scrambling to defend BuzzFeed but this could turn out to be the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back when it comes to Americans growing distrust of the lying media.

This is a developing story…