No, Teens In MAGA Hats Didn’t Taunt A Native American Vet

The liberal media outrage yesterday was that some Catholic school teens in MAGA hats confronted and taunted Native American protesters in Washington DC, including a Vietnam veteran. As it turns out, none of this is even remotely true. Shocking, right? These students not only didn’t taunt the protesters, it was the Native Americans who confronted the teens. Not surprising is that all of the liberal media outrage yesterday has turned into silence today as the truth was revealed.

Let’s start with this video that went viral yesterday:

As you can see, there is a teenager with a MAGA hat smiling politely at a Native American protester identified as Nathan Philips, a member of the Omaha nation and a Vietnam War veteran. According to his account of things, these students from a Catholic Hogh School in Kentucky confronted the Native Americans and taunted them with chants of “build the wall.”

“It was getting ugly, and I was thinking: ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation and finish my song at the Lincoln Memorial,’…I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn’t allow me to retreat.”

On CNN, Indigenous Peoples March Chase Iron Eyes qualified what happened as a violent hate crime:

“As an attorney, I felt that this qualified as a legal definition of assault. They were causing an apprehension, an objective fear of offensive contact or harm. They were very loud and very aggressive, very vocal and they were disrupting,” said Chase Iron Eyes.

And he even managed to blame President Trump, because of course he did.

“But it’s emblematic of I think where we’re at in terms of race relations in our country. We feel that President Trump is giving license to some of this behavior in his rhetoric, in his behavior. He sets the tone for a lot of our citizens in this country and when he says things like using ‘Pocahontas’ as a racial slur, time and time again, making light of our genocide at Wounded Knew where my family literally survived that massacre. It’s unfortunate but it shows us where we’re at and shows us how much work we have to do,” Chase Iron Eyes said.

It turns out the real work they need to do is related to not being so full of shit. A longer video has surfaced and it clearly shows that the kids were not chanting “build the wall” and were minding their own business when the Native American protesters confronted them. Plus this whole thing started when a group of “black Israelis” began giving the kids shit for having MAGA hats on.

And the kids themselves denied any of the nonsense they are accused of.

With the racist MAGA hat kids narrative completely busted, naturally liberals chose to believe their false reality. Here’s unfunny comedian Kathy Griffin trying to dox these kids, presumably for violence:

And here’s honky Senator Elizabeth Warren being 1/1024th outraged:

The truth of the matter is, these kids were preyed upon by groups of radical leftist adults and they conducted themselves with class and dignity. It’s amazing how the liberal media will twist the reality of kids getting accosted by adults into a Trump-related incident of racial violence.

These teens were in Washington for an anti-abortion rally and some were wearing MAGA hats. If they had been in town for the Women’s March and wearing pink pussy hats, the fake news industry would have never tried t classify this as a racist hate crime.