Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

The weekend is finally here so enjoy it Deplorables, God knows that it’s going to be short.

America The New Socialist Frontier

Via The Hill

It seems that socialism is like an infectious disease that everyone has to get ill of to develop immunity. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn pointed out, “For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.”

This dead dog, expelled from Russia, acquired a new life in the United States and regained vitality to become a living lion within the Democratic Party.

The 2018 Democratic victory in the midterms brought new Marxist arrivals to the House of Representatives who are interpreting the elections as an endorsement of socialist policies. They dropped all the pretenses — no liberals, no progressives — they are proud Marxist-Leninists driven by the ideology and committed to converting this country into the United Socialist States of America.

This militant crowd is comprised of uninformed and misinformed people looking at themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, underappreciated victims of capitalism, overwhelmed with jealousy that there are people who are everything they are not.

They are the face of new Democratic Party – “We have been naught, we shall be all.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Is Big Tech Merging With Big Brother? Kinda Looks Like It

Via Wired

The idea that social engineering could help produce a more efficient and equitable society was echoed by early 20th-century American progressives. Unlike 19th- and early 20th-century European socialists, who championed the organic strength of local communities, early 20th-century American progressives like Herbert Croly and John Dewey put their faith in the rise of a new class of educated scientist-priests who would re-engineer society from the top down according to a strict utilitarian calculus.

The lineage of these progressives—who are not identical with the “progressive” faction of today’s Democratic Party—runs from Woodrow Wilson to champions of New Deal bureaucracy like Franklin D. Roosevelt’s secretary of the interior, Harold Ickes. The 2008 election of Barack Obama, a well-credentialed technocrat who identified very strongly with the character of Spock from Star Trek, gave the old-time scientistic-progressive religion new currency on the left and ushered in a cozy relationship between the Democratic Party and billionaire techno-monopolists who had formerly fashioned themselves as government-skeptical libertarians.

“Amazon does great things for huge amounts of people,” Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer told Kara Swisher of Recode in a recent interview, in which he also made approving pronouncements about Facebook and Google. “I go to my small tech companies and say, ‘How does Google treat you in New York?’ A lot of them say, ‘Much more fairly than we would have thought.’”

Big Tech companies and executives are happy to return the favor by donating to their progressive friends, including Schumer.

But the cozy relationship between mainstream Democrats and Silicon Valley hit a large-sized bump in November 2016, when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton—in part through his mastery of social media platforms like Twitter. Blaming the election result on Russian bots or secret deals with Putin betrayed a shock that what the left had regarded as their cultural property had been turned against them by a right-wing populist whose authoritarian leanings inspired fear and loathing among both the technocratic elite and the Democratic party base.

Read the entire article HERE.

Timeline: How the Covington Hate Hoax Spread on Social Media

Via Breitbart News

Democrat activists pushed a false narrative from a fake Twitter account that helped to make a short clip of an encounter between a Covington Catholic High School student and a Native American activist go viral over the weekend, according to an examination by Breitbart News.
The episode has sparked questions among information warfare researchers, who say it has the hallmarks of a disinformation campaign. More questions were raised after Twitter suspended the account, @2020fight, on Monday for violating its fake account policy. Twitter also suggested the account was part of a disinformation operation.

“Deliberate attempts to manipulate the public conversation on Twitter by using misleading account information is a violation of the Twitter Rules,” a Twitter spokesman told Breitbart News in an email statement on Wednesday.

The spokesperson did not attribute the “deliberate attempts to manipulate” to anyone, but a source familiar with Twitter’s investigation said all evidence suggests the account was a U.S. account, not a foreign one. A spokeswoman for Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) told the New York Times Wednesday that Twitter had found the account originated in the U.S.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Abyss of Hate Versus Hate

By Andrew Sullivan

What I saw was extraordinary bigotry, threats of violence, hideous misogyny, disgusting racism, foul homophobia, and anti-Catholicism — not by the demonized schoolboys, but by grown men with a bullhorn, a small group of self-styled Black Hebrew Israelites. They’re a fringe sect — but an extremely aggressive one — known for inflammatory bigotry in public. The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated them a hate group: “strongly anti-white and anti-Semitic.” They scream abuse at gays, women, white people, Jews, interracial couples, in the crudest of language. In their public display of bigotry, they’re at the same level as the Westboro Baptist sect: shockingly obscene. They were the instigators of the entire affair.

And yet the elite media seemed eager to downplay their role, referring to them only in passing, noting briefly that they were known to be anti-Semitic and anti-gay. After several days, the New York Times ran a news analysis on the group by John Eligon that reads like a press release from the sect: “They shout, use blunt and sometimes offensive language, and gamely engage in arguments aimed at drawing listeners near.” He notes that “they group people based on what they call nations, believing that there are 12 tribes among God’s chosen people. White people are not among those tribes, they believe, and will therefore be servants when Christ returns to Earth.” Nothing to see here, folks. Just a bunch of people preaching the enslavement of another race in public on speakers in the most inflammatory language imaginable.

Read the entire article HERE.

“Dangerous Ideas” Loom As Once Democratically Chosen, There’s No Reversing Socialism

Via Zero Hedge

Bernie Sanders’ campaign in the Democratic party’s primaries in 2016 demonstrated the renewed attractiveness of the “democratic”-socialist idea. Millions were attracted to his promise of a beautiful social and economic future, if only government took a far greater directing and redistributing hand in everything in American society. (See my articles “‘Democratic Socialism’ Means a Loss of Liberty” and “‘Liberal Socialism’ Another False Utopia.”)

Now additional voices for a new socialism are on the public scene, such as the recently elected Democratic-party representative from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. Even before being sworn in to the House of Representatives in early January 2019, she and others presented a proposal for a special and select congressional committee for the preparing and implementing of a Green New Deal.

Make no mistake, this is a plan for the introduction of comprehensive government planning over every facet of American social and economic life. Arguing that the world is facing an environmental Armageddon due to global warming, the time for doing nothing or relying upon carbon taxes to reduce use of fossil fuels or business regulations to influence how private enterprises produce goods and services, they say, is behind us.

Action must be taken now to change how and what Americans produce and consume over the next decade. There must be developed “a detailed, national, industrial, economic mobilization plan.” It must be “driven” by the federal government in “partnership” with business, labor, “stakeholder” groups, indigenous peoples, and communities all across the land, for a radical and rapid transition to a fully carbon-free environment.

This must be done in conjunction with commitments and goals for “social, economic, racial, regional, and gender-based justice and equality.” Labor unions must have a prominent place, with the ability to direct wages and employment conditions for workplace justice in the pursuit of a post-carbon economy. The federal government should take equity positions — that is, total or partial direct ownership — in businesses, industries, and sectors of the economy as a means to hit the target of radical environmental change.

The goal is to have a “100 percent” fossil fuel–free economy within 10 years. All businesses and residential structures will have to be dramatically made over to environmentally friendly renewable sources of energy. Where and what is produced will have to be commanded by the federal government for both industry and agriculture.

At the same time, this grand and comprehensive central planning of American society to save the planet can also serve as “an historic opportunity to virtually eliminate poverty in the United States and to make prosperity, wealth and economic opportunity available to everyone participating in the transformation” of the country.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Democratic Party Is Alienated From And Hates The USA

Via The American Thinker

The American public, which is far more aligned to the left than in the 1950s to the 1980s, sadly does not see the alienation from classic American ideals as even being a left-right issue. Rather, those who identify with the unworthy Democratic Party often see the Democrats as merely trying to correct inequities in “the system.”

The Democrats have successfully sold the view that they are more compassionate and concerned for the “downtrodden” than the Republicans. They have successfully deceived too many people into not seeing that the Democrats are themselves – by denying God, the working man, individual liberty, the moral law, patriotism, the Christian roots of America, the right to life, and free markets – oppressing the very people they claim to be helping (women, gays, blacks, American Indians, trannies, etc.).

They do not realize and do not believe that the Democrats are now driven by a cultural Marxist and deep-seated ideological commitment to overthrow capitalism. Democratic voters do not understand that the leaders of their party want to so control the U.S. wealth as to in effect collaborate with the titans of finance in a kind of syndicalist (fascist) venture in order to feather their own nests. Their motives are impure, and their goals are unrealistic. They do not love the United States of America, and citizens who do not love their country will destroy their country.

Read the entire article HERE.

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