Thursday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! Welcome to the first day of the intermission period between impeachments.

Pelosi shamed herself at Trump’s State of the Union address

Via The New York Post

Here’s a question for Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Have you heard of Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity? The one where he says it’s “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”?

To judge by your conduct, I’m guessing you haven’t. Either that or you think Einstein was an idiot, too.

Then again, maybe you’re a secret Republican agent trying to re-elect President Trump. Is that why you keep making the same mistake over and over again?

You’ve been screwing up for three years, starting with the juvenile resistance where you refused even to negotiate over big national interests such as border control. Then, just when it seemed you couldn’t sink any lower than that cheap, partisan impeachment you engineered, you hit a new low during the State of the Union.

Your mumbling and sneering smiles throughout President’s Trump’s powerful address were bad enough, but your decision to tear into shreds your copy of his speech and drop it like a dead fish was shameful beyond measure.

Coming immediately after he finished, and while he was still on the podium, you had to know the television cameras would catch you. No doubt that was your goal — to display your disgust to the nation and the world. Viva la resistance!

Message received, and here’s back at you: You disgraced your office and all of Congress.

Read the entire article HERE.

A Week of Political Karma for the Democrats

Via American Greatness

President Trump now stands acquitted. The Democrats must confront the debacle that is their presidential primary field and run on a nonexistent record of achievement as the 2020 campaign season kicks off. Karma, indeed, is a bitch.

Donald Trump couldn’t have scripted it better himself: The Democratic Party’s karma knocked them right on the head this week as their countrymen watched in disgust—some, admittedly, in delight.

After three years of deception, gaslighting, and public temper tantrums, these power-hungry partisans finally got their comeuppance. An assembly of agents provocateurs, motivated by an insatiable amount of contempt not just for the president but for Americans in general, who gambled on a farcical impeachment crusade rather than build a persuasive policy case to win over voters this year, are ranting and pouting and tearing up stuff because . . . well, because they are losing. If Nancy Pelosi could have thrown a pacifier from her Capitol high chair Tuesday night, she would have.

The past several days have been filled with delightful metaphors: The president gave a lengthy interview before kickoff on Super Bowl Sunday, touting his achievements and mocking his political foes. A team from a pro-Trump red state faced a team from a Trump-hating blue state, which was favored to win. The San Francisco 49ers, based in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hometown, had a 10-point lead going into the fourth quarter.

Yet the Kansas City Chiefs scored three touchdowns in the final seven minutes and won the game.

A party that insists it can run the country’s health care system botched a simple caucus routinely attended by a relatively tiny number of Americans. The one time leading presidential candidate, a fixture in Democratic politics for two generations and the party’s best hope to defeat Trump in November, doddered around Des Moines and came in fourth place. An obnoxious empty suit millennial mayor declared victory before any results were available.

One of the Democrats’ biggest media mouthpieces, Chuck Todd of NBC News, was caught moaning off-camera that the party’s caucus confusion was an “effing disaster.” The party’s biggest fraud who promises she will end the country’s use of fossil fuels tried, unsuccessfully, to hide behind a campaign staffer after deplaning a private jet on a New Hampshire airport tarmac. Senator Elizabeth Warren’s primary rival, a Green New Deal architect and hater of modernity, did her one better: Senator Bernie Sanders waved to reporters in front of a carbon-emitting SUV that delivered him to the roaring engines of an even bigger carbon-emitting private jet.

Read the entire article HERE.




Read the entire article HERE.

New Details Show How Deeply Iowa Caucus App Developer Was Embedded In Democratic Establishment

Via The Intercept

Dem group behind Shadow distanced itself from the Iowa caucus developer. But they share office space, briefings & resources. The team is made up of former Hillary campaign staff tied to Mayor Pete and have privately expressed hostility to Bernie.

Democratic operative Tara McGowan is denying that her high-profile liberal firm ACRONYM played a role in the Monday evening caucus debacle, claiming that her firm was merely an investor in the company Shadow Inc., which developed the app at the center of the controversy. But internal company documents, a source close to the firms, and public records show a close and intertwined relationship between Acronym and Shadow.

In addition, ahead of the caucuses, questions swirled inside Shadow over the company’s ability to deliver a quality product, and there was concern from at least one staff member that senior leaders of Shadow and Acronym — both of which were launched as a new Democratic bulwark against President Donald Trump — have been far from neutral in the Democratic primary.

Throughout the caucus yesterday, Democratic officials reported widespread problems downloading the app and inconsistencies uploading caucus results, leading to the Iowa Democratic Party’s decision to take the unusual step of delaying the release of the results. This is the first year the app was used, and ahead of the caucuses, the Iowa Democratic Party asked that the app’s name be kept secret. The New York Times reported that “its creators had repeatedly questioned the need to keep it secret.”

Kyle Tharp, a spokesperson for Acronym, released a statement on Monday night downplaying his company’s affiliation with Shadow.

“ACRONYM is an investor in several for-profit companies across the progressive media and technology sectors,” Tharp said. “One of those independent, for-profit companies is Shadow, Inc, which also has other private investors.”

David Plouffe, a former campaign manager to Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential bid who joined Acronym’s board, also distanced himself from the company during an MSNBC panel last night. “I have no knowledge of Shadow,” said Plouffe. “It was news to me.”

But previous statements and internal Acronym documents suggest that the two companies, which share office space in Denver, Colorado, are deeply intertwined.

Read the entire article HERE.

Bye Mitt? Utah Legislature Prepares Senator Recall Process

Via Big League Politics

The new measure could be used to remove Mitt Romney from office.

As Mitt Romney grandstands in the U.S Senate’s doomed Trump impeachment trial in an effort to demonstrate his own moral superiority, the Utah legislature is mulling a measure that would allow the state’s citizens to recall their senators.

The measure could hypothetically be used to recall Romney from office. Such a possibility is an acute irony, considering Romney appears to be the only Republican senator enthusiastic about impeaching President Donald Trump.

Rep. Tim Quinn of Heber City introduced the bill in the state house. Utah doesn’t currently have a process to recall sitting U.S Senators, a problem his legislation would solve.

He says the bill isn’t designed with any specific Senator in mind, but it’s hard not to imagine the measure being used to impeach Romney, considering the Never Trump senator’s extreme unpopularity in his own state.

HB217 would create a system in which Utah voters could set up a recall election to remove senators. 25% of active voters in the state would have to sign a petition requesting a recall vote, which would take place during the next scheduled election. Senators are immune from the prospect of a recall election within a year of their initial term.

Read the entire article HERE.

Mitch McConnell Sends Pelosi Shirt Reading ‘I Impeached The President And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt’

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Mitch McConnell felt bad for Nancy Pelosi after watching her get forced to impeach the president by the radical wing of her party, then impeach him and sit on the articles of impeachment for weeks. So, he decided to cheer her up a bit.

McConnell had his staffers deliver Pelosi a shirt reading “I Impeached The President And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt.” Pelosi did not seem to understand the nice gift, pointing her finger sternly and lecturing the McConnell staffer: “Don’t mess with me.” Though her dentures fell out before she could finish her rant, sadly.

“It’s the least I could do,” McConnell said, a grin slowly spreading across his face. “I feel bad for the poor girl — so much work on impeachment for nothing. Everyone needs a little consolation prize, a little affirmation. A participation trophy, you might say.”

As an offended Pelosi held a press conference condemning the shirt as a “slap in the face,” Mitch McConnell hurriedly confirmed hundreds more conservative judges.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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