Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Oh HELL NO, it’s already Monday!!!

Waking Up To The Deep State: Is This Really Necessary?

By Ben Garrison

Last week Roger Stone was awakened by 27 FBI agents who conducted a pre-dawn raid at his home in Florida.

The FBI troops wore flak jackets and sported weapons design to intimidate. Beria and Stalin would have been proud.

There was no reason for a raid of that scope. The Osama Bin Laden raid was carried out with less force. Stone is a peaceful man who was cooperating with Mueller’s investigation. Stone has done nothing wrong and there was no collaboration with Russia. He’s stands accused of invented ‘process’ crimes. So why was he treated like a narco kingpin or arch villain?

The excessive abuse of government power by jackbooted thugs were condemned by Democrats. Oh wait…no….they heartily applauded such action. HBO comedian Bill Maher said Stone was an upper echelon bad guy who deserved it because he’s so unlikeable. He’s expecting them to arrest President Trump next, whom he constantly calls a ‘traitor.’ Maher continues to cling to the Russian collusion lie and jokes that Trump is working for Putin.

The dossier used by the FBI to conduct surveillance on Trump and his campaign was based on that lie, which was bought and paid for by Hillary. Hillary is an arch criminal and traitor who should be in jail. She lied to the FBI, destroyed evidence, sold her country out for money (Uranium One) and dozens of other crimes I won’t get into here. Suffice it to say she’s exacting revenge on the ‘deplorables’ who helped get Trump elected.

Read the entire article HERE.

Ocasio-Cortez: Socialism can cure ringworm, and also everything else

Via The American Thinker

On MLK day, the noted race impresario Ta-Nehisi Coates interviewed Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (aka Occasional-Cortex). They spoke on various topics organized around the underlying theme of resentment toward white and/or rich people. Our Occasional-Cortex again displayed her iridescent stupidity in proclaiming the scourge of ringworm in Alabama and imparting that the solution is not Tinactin, but socialism.

Occasional-Cortex’s yakking has ceased to be amusing. It is becoming dangerous. For the first time in my life, I am genuinely afraid for my country. I see dreadful happenings if things don’t change.

I had a great education. But at this point, every opinion I hold is based not on academic training, but on what I have seen with my own eyes, heard with my own ears, and felt in my heart. My ears hear the big lie. It brays all day, like our donkey The Viscountess, that we are a hateful people. It whinnies and whines about nonexistent racism and imaginary persecution of “Bisexual-Lesbian-Gay-Etc.” (pronounced “bilge”). The claptrap about “white male” privilege and “gender” oppression has replaced real learning and filled the minds, especially of young people, with a paralyzing sense of resentment and victimization.

Read the entire article HERE.

Are The Only Racists The NYT Isn’t Sympathetic To White Racists?

Via The Federalist

Last weekend, a group known for decades to promote racism advanced on a group of school boys while hurling racial slurs, including against a black student in the boys’ midst. These slurs included, as multiple videos of the altercation and its lead-up show, “child-molesting f-ggots,” “n-gger,” “dirty -ss crackers,” “d-mn cracker whites,” “racists,” “blue-eyed demon,” “incest kids,” and calling Native Americans “savage.”

They charged that the white students were going to “harvest” a black Covington Catholic student’s bodily organs, and threatened violence. Their preachers publicly promise “There’s about to be 144,000 Nat Turners risen up, killing so-called white people, babies included.” Nat Turner was the leader of a pre-Civil War slave revolt that led to 180 murders of people on both sides. They shout on street corners that “One of the top three fantasies of women is to get raped.”

These easily demonstrable facts have been reported by even such compromised hard-left institutions as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and are available within a 30-second scan of Google search results. Yet, The New York Times decided to do a profile on the Black Hebrew Israelites this week that opens: “They are sidewalk ministers who use confrontation as their gospel.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Ducking Vote On Rejecting Anti-Semitism

Via The Washington Free Beacon

Democratic leaders are remaining quiet about a new congressional measure that rejects anti-Semitism and chides a new class of Democratic congressional members for the open embrace of notorious anti-Semites and anti-Israel causes, according to the leading Republican author of that new measure.

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.), one of just two Jewish Republicans in Congress, has introduced a new congressional resolution in the House that categorically rejects anti-Semitism in all its forms and calls out some newly elected Democratic members who have ridden a popular wave into Congress on the backs of anti-Semitic leaders and causes, Zeldin told the Washington Free Beacon in a wide-ranging interview.

While a similar House resolution condemning white supremacy sailed to a nearly unanimous vote several weeks ago, Zeldin’s amendment, focused directly on anti-Semitism, has put Democratic leaders in a precarious position as they are forced to reject the views of popular new freshman colleagues.

“It’s up to the Democrats to decide whether or not they are actually going to confront this head on,” Zeldin told the Free Beacon. “I’m wiling to work with any Democratic colleague on any idea he or she has to crush anti-Semitism in any form. But I can’t do that for them.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Republican State Senator Wants To Ban ‘Dwarf-Tossing’ In Washington

Via The Daily Wire

According to MyNorthwest, a Republican state senator is seeking to ban the practice of “dwarf tossing” in Washington state because it “demeans and exploits those of small stature.”

So, what exactly is “dwarf tossing”? Apparently, it started in Australia in the 1980’s and usually takes place in a bar or pub where drunken revelers compete at who can throw a dwarf (little person) the farthest. The little person is typically suited up with Velcro and thrown onto a mattress or a Velcro-coated wall.

In Washington State, Sen. Mike Padden (R-Spokane Valley) recently announced legislation to prohibit dwarf-tossing contests at bars and strip clubs. If passed, the state would become the third in the United States to ban “dwarf tossing,” an entirely voluntary contest.

“There’s nothing funny about dwarf-tossing,” Padden said in a press release. “It ridicules and demeans people with dwarfism, and causes others to think of them as objects of public amusement. Even when participants are willing, it exposes them to the possibility of lifetime spinal injury. Dwarf-tossing is an offense to our sensibilities.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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