Hammer Control In The UK? Sadly, Yes

Once again England reminds us how awesome it was for our Founding Fathers to kick their Limey asses back across the Atlantic. Having already instituted gun control, knife control, pliers control, and sharpened potato peeler control, the UK now appears to moving towards hammer control. The British police are telling its citizens to be on the lookout for people buying hammers and to rat them out immediately. Never take our freedom for granted, because the alternative is the fascist nanny-state that exists in most European countries.

Here’s thing that seems like it came from a parody site, but is actually real:

As you can see in the video, a man places a hammer in his shopping basket. Here in America we might think that person is a handyman, a contractor, or a guy planning a DIY project at home. In Merry Old England however, this is a potential terrorist or murderer.

“Suspicious? Would you report it?” the video asks.

Playing scary music, the video rewinds so people can get a good look at this brazen act of terrorism.

“Unfortunately life doesn’t have a rewind button. If it doesn’t feel right, ACT,” instructs the video.

ACT stands for “Action Counters Terrorism” so there’s no doubt the Brits consider buying a hammer a terrorist act. There’s also no question that they are telling people to call the police if they see someone in a hardware store buying tools.

My question is, why are tools still legal in England if the counter-terrorism police consider them such a grave threat? Also, how can anyone possible make a living as a contractor if purchasing tools gets them arrested for terrorism?

“Reporting it won’t ruin lives, but it may save them,” claims the video.

If someone gets arrested for buying a hammer and accused of terrorism, I’d say that person’s life is effectively ruined. Actually, just living in a country were hammer possession is treated as terrorism ruins the lives of all of the citizens. On the flip side, I will bet anything that calling the cops on tool purchases will never save even one life. Prove me wrong.

In the accompanying tweet, the Counter Terrorism Police also say, “If you see something suspicious, like someone buying knives, hammers and other objects that could be used to cause harm – ACT.”

Properly motivated, a person could use any object to cause harm to another. You could smother someone to death with a pillow or fill the pillow case with unopened cans of soda and beat someone to death with it. Just to be on the safe side, England should ban everything. A complete lack of everything is a small price to pay for a false sense of security.

The problem then becomes the fact that people would still have hands and feet, which they could use to punch, kick, poke, gouge, and scratch with. Obviously there would need to be government mandated hands and feet removal. But oops, what about head-butting? Off with there heads as well. Sure Brits will be a bunch of headless torsos, but at least they’ll be free from terrorism.

Progressive liberal democrats in America want to make our country like the freedom-free zone of England and the other socialist European countries. Besides no longer getting to keep what we earn, we’d also have zero freedom. Our brave Founding Fathers fought for our liberty, so maybe we ought not to hand it back over to the democrats so lazy people can have free stuff.