VA Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax Accused Of Sexual Assault

Virginia’s Governor Ralph Northam is facing calls to resign over an incredibly racist picture from his college year book. If he stepped down, that would make Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, who is black, the Governor, but he too is facing disturbing allegation. A woman claims that Fairfax sexually assaulted her in 2004 at the Democratic National Convention. The white guy is a racist and the black guy is a rapist? Yeah, that sounds about right for the Democratic Party, doesn’t it?

Big League Politics, the political blog that originally broke the Northam blackface photo, has dropped another bombshell on the Virginia democratic leadership:

A woman named Vanessa Tyson, who is a fellow at Stanford University, says that a man who allegedly sexually assaulted her at the 2004 Democratic National Convention is now an office-holder about to get a “very big promotion,” according to a screenshot provided by a tipster. A friend of Tyson’s named Adria Scharf, based in Richmond, Virginia, shared the “heartbreaking” message, which Tyson wrote as a private post.

Tyson is a fellow at California-based Stanford University and professor at California-based Scripps College, which means the alleged sexual assaulter must hold office on the East Coast. Tyson says her alleged attacker won statewide office in 2017.

Justin Fairfax was a John Kerry staffer in 2004, and won an election in 2017 in an East Coast state. Now, he is poised to become governor of Virginia if racist Ralph Northam resigns as Democratic leaders and his own state party demand.

And here is that message:

“Imagine you were sexually assaulted during the DNC Convention in Boston in 2004 by a campaign staffer. You spend the next 13 years trying to forget it ever happened. Until one day you find out he’s the Democratic candidate for statewide office in a state some 3000 miles away, and he wins that election in November 2017. Then, by strange, horrible luck, it seems increasingly likely that he’ll get a VERY BIG promotion,” read the message.

While it seems pretty obvious that Tyson is talking about Fairfax, we don’t have to play the speculation game because the Lt. Gov. admitted it was him, but that it wasn’t him. Huh?

“The person reported to be making this false allegation first approached The Washington Post – one of the nation’s most prominent newspapers – more than a year ago, around the time of the Lieutenant Governor’s historic inauguration. The Post carefully investigated the claim for several months. After being presented with facts consistent with the Lt. Governor’s denial of the allegation, the absence of any evidence corroborating the allegation, and significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegation, the Post made the considered decision not to publish the story,” read Fairfax’s statement.

The Washington Post confirmed that they were presented with this allegation and looked into it. They said they determined that neither Tyson’s claim of sexual assault nor Fairfax’s denial could be corroborated so they passed on the story. Interesting, huh? The WaPo printed every single uncorroborated sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing, but they took a pass on the claims against Justin Fairfax? It must have something to do with the fact that Kavanaugh is a white conservative Republican and Fairfax a black liberal democrat.

Remember kids, when the left says all women should be believed, what they really mean is only if they are accusing conservatives. When they accuse liberals, then women should be shamed and ridiculed.

If that hypocrisy ain’t enough for you, consider the sources: Christine Blasey Ford, who falsely accused Kavanaugh is a whacked-out leftist Democratic Party donor and activist who clearly tried to smear a conservative judge. Vanessa Tyson is black, a fellow at Stanford, and someone who attended the Democratic National Convention. What are he chances she’s a GOP operative out to bring down a democrat? It’s none, because there’s no way in hell she’s anything but a democrat and has no political motive to destroy Justin Fairfax.