TRIGGERED: Van ‘Whitelash’ Jones Says SOTU Was Mixture Of ‘Cookies And Dog Poop’

CNN continues to become more surreal by the day…

Even though it was delayed by a spiteful Nancy Pelosi, President Trump was able to deliver the annual State Of The Union address on Tuesday night and it may go down in history as the moment when America turned the tide against the resurgent menace of socialism which he openly denounced.

Other than the bitter Democrats, the early results show that the president’s speech was a hit with viewers. A CBS poll showed that Trump received a 76 percent approval rating for his second SOTU after he was able to speak directly to the American people minus the Orwellian “fact checkers” and paid liars in the media.

But while real Americans liked what Trump was saying, the same wasn’t true at CNN where a crushing gloom was evident in the studios.

How bad was it for CNN?

Former Obama official Van “Whitelash” Jones bitterly carped that the speech was a mixture of “cookies and dog poop” which is really pretty silly but this is CNN.


Via Newsbusters, “CNN’s Van Jones: SOTU Was ‘Psychotically Incoherent’ With ‘Cookies and Dog Poop’”:

Proving why CNN pays him to be an expert political commentator, left-wing activist Van Jones panned President Trump’s Tuesday State of the Union address as a “psychotically incoherent speech with cookies and dog poop” moments after it was over.

After former GOP Senator and senior political commentator Rick Santorum talked about ideas the President proposed to reach across the aisle, Jones unloaded his potty mouth. “I see it very, very differently. I saw this as a psychotically incoherent speech with cookies and dog poop,” he exclaimed. “He tries to put together in the same speech these warm kind things about humanitarianism and caring about children. At the same time, he is demonizing people who are immigrants in a way that was appalling.”

Jones proceeded to complain about all the people Trump didn’t mention in his fairly inclusive address:

There were people in that gallery who were children who have been torn away from their mothers at the border. He did not mention them. There were soldiers who were transgender who have been thrown out of the military. He didn’t mention them. There are — there are people who — there are veterans — he talked about veterans. There are veterans who he has thrown out of this country who are Dreamers. He did not mention them. And he didn’t say one positive thing [about illegal immigrants]…

Sad and pathetic but this is what CNN has devolved into under the stalwart leadership of Jeff Zucker – to think that this was once widely thought of as a legitimate news network.

But perhaps Van Jones is onto something here in terms of branding…

The Poop Channel has a nice ring to it.