Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! Hope you all had a nice weekend but here we are with Monday biting us in the ass again.

Schifty Adam Schiff

By Ben Garrison

They don’t come any shiftier than Adam Schiff

We now know he conducted a secret meeting with Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, a D.C. research and intelligence firm. That’s the same outfit hired by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. They couldn’t find much so they hired an anti-Trump operative and British spy named Christopher Steele. He worked with Russians to fabricate what is known as the ‘Steele Dossier,’ which is now known to be a bundle of lies. Regardless, corrupt and politicized FBI officials such as Mueller, Comey, McCabe and others used it to obtain a rubber stamp FISA warrant that allowed them, to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign.

Shifty Schiff is a notorious leaker and weasel-like hit man for Hillary the Democrats. He made sure her ‘insurance policy’ was cashed in and used to hurt Trump as much as possible. Shifty Schiff constantly talked about Trump colluding with Russia when he knew full well that it was Hillary who did the colluding.

The despicable bug-eyed California congressman also attacked Trump’s allies including Roger Stone. Shifty Schiff accused Stone of perjury before Congress, which led to Mueller’s ridiculous early morning raid on Stone’s home in Florida. Dozens of heavily armed FBI agents in flak jackets showed up along with a CNN crew, there to record and ramp up the drama. An FBI marine unit was deployed to guard against Stone escaping by sea. I can only imagine the cost to taxpayers. Hillary despises Stone, whose advice was instrumental in getting Trump elected, and so she assigned Shifty Schiff to destroy him financially by means of millions of dollars in legal fees.

Read the entire article HERE.

Facebook: The Government’s Propaganda Arm?

Via Liberty Nation

Imagine for a moment what it would look like if the federal government launched its own social media network. Every day, Americans could freely use the platform to express their views on everything from economic theory to the best tips for baking peanut butter cookies. They could even discuss their political views and debate the important issues of the day.

But what if the government were empowered to determine which political views are appropriate and which are too obscene for the American public? Well, it looks like this is already happening. Of course, the state has not created a social media network; they didn’t have to. It appears the government is using Facebook – the world’s largest social media company – to sway public opinion.

The Free Thought Project recently published a report revealing that Facebook has some troubling ties to the federal government and that this connection could be enabling former state officials to influence the content displayed. The social media provider has partnered with various think tanks which receive state funding, while hiring an alarming number of individuals who have held prominent positions in the federal government.

Facebook recently announced their partnership with the Atlantic Council – which is partly funded by tax dollars – to ensure that users are presented with quality news stories. And by “quality,” it seems that they mean “progressive.” The council is well known for promoting far-left news sources, including the Xinhua News Agency, which was founded by the Communist Party of China. Well, that’s reassuring. What red-blooded American capitalist doesn’t want to get the news from a communist regime?

But there one aspect of this story is even more troubling: the government-to-Facebook pipeline. The company has employed a significant number of former officials in positions that grant them influence over what content is allowed on the platform.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Tail Of Twitter Is Wagging The Dog Of Media

Via The Federalist

Mark Cuban got fact-checked in 2017 for approximating that Twitter only reaches about 15 percent of the population. In all likelihood, he wasn’t very far off. It’s almost impossible to estimate how many of us Twitter actually “reaches,” but mapping out the limits of its scope is now an important project.

Twitter makes and breaks careers. It makes and breaks lives. Perhaps most saliently, the platform shapes news cycles, which, in turn, shape how people see the world. Because journalists spend disproportionate time on the website relative to most of their audience, outlets increasingly amplify Twitter’s viral stories, and seemingly without questioning their broader relevance. It’s a pattern that distorts perception on both sides of the political spectrum, and everywhere in between.

Our descent into autopilot here is an understandable one—there are (or were, at least) legitimate reasons for journalists to linger on Twitter. But whatever truth to that remains, it’s not coupled with much self-awareness. Twitter is real life, as I argued here, but the Twitterverse is hardly a representative sampling of the public.

It’s also comprised of a relatively small swath of the public, at least according to new figures released by Twitter itself. In a fourth-quarter earnings report published Thursday, the company claimed only an average of 27 million daily active users in the United States over the time period. (“Monetizable daily active usage or users” are defined in the report as “Twitter users who logged in or were otherwise authenticated and accessed Twitter on any given day through or Twitter applications that are able to show ads.”) Using World Bank data from 2017, that comes out to about 13 percent of the 15-to-64 year-old population, and 8.2 percent of the total population, according to data pulled Thursday from the Census Bureau.

Read the entire article HERE.

Johnny Carson Teaches Modern Late Night Hosts a Lesson About Getting Political

Via The Conservative Tribune

Some of my earliest television memories are staying up late and watching Johnny Carson without my parents’ knowledge. Sure, he was in his twilight years in terms of his late-night career, but he was still near the top of his game.

Was there a secret for his success? I suppose plenty. His timing was impeccable and he knew how to save a bad routine. He had a great eye for talent and he knew how to make the viewer feel welcome. Part of that last part, it could be argued, was the fact that he was about as ecumenical as a host could be.

For all you knew, Johnny Carson could have secretly been a member of the John Birch Society or the Weather Underground. He’d never let on.

“Along with virtually every other American, I never knew Johnny Carson’s politics,” Dennis Prager wrote in a 2017 column. “I would not have been surprised if he was a liberal or a conservative, a Democrat or a Republican. In his 30 years as host of ‘The Tonight Show’ on NBC, he never so much as hinted as to how he identified politically. He poked fun at whoever was in power.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Virginia Politics and the Death of ‘I Believe Her!’

Via The American Thinker

When it comes to logical yoga, nobody ties himself up in knots better than Democrats. The current mess that is Democrat Virginia politics is the most recent case in point. The Democrats have a chance at a win there, but it will require amazing rational contortions and a great deal of hypocrisy to pull it off. They may yet succeed in shaming Ralph Northam, and seating Justin Fairfax in the governor’s office, but first they’ve got to wiggle out of a tight “me too” moment.

Virginia governor Ralph Northam’s medical school yearbook page initially appeared to deliver Democrats a multifaceted political gift, despite the apparent demise of a liberal Democrat governor. Whether that remains the case depends upon how well the Democrats and their helpmates in the media are able to spin the matter.

Northam’s remarkably stupid yearbook entry (and what kind of medical school bothers with a yearbook in the first place?) allowed Dems to renew and expand upon their claims that hardcore racism is alive and well in America (never mind that it dates to 1984). Then, by calling for Northam’s immediate resignation, Democrats claimed the moral high ground in America’s new sport of public shaming, by attempting to scourge one of their own with the career-killing accusation of racism. Finally, Northam’s successful removal would put in his place progressive lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax, who just happens to be African-American.

All this may still come to pass, but first, Fairfax must extricate himself from an accusation that he sexually assaulted a woman in 2004 during the Democratic Convention in Boston. His accuser, Vanessa Tyson, has a bit in common with Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, in that she is a college professor in California and, like Blasey Ford, waited some time (14 years as opposed to 36 years) to report the incident.

Read the entire article HERE.

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