Shocking! Media Treats Republican And Democrat Differently For Similar Anti-LGBT Statements

We’ve been getting a lot of really good apples-to-apples comparisons lately on liberal hypocrisy. Megyn Kelly and the Florida Republican secretary of state Michael Artel lost their jobs over blackface controversies, while the democratic Virginia Governor and AG have kept theirs for worse transgressions. Liberals totally believed sexual assault claims agains conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, but with Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, not so much. Those are racism and rape related, but surely the left treats homophobia the same regardless of party, right? Again, not so much.

In the past couple of days there have been two very similar statements from elected officials regarding the fascist nature of the LGBT community. One from a Republican and one from a democrat. Place your bets on which one got slammed and which one got help from the media.

First up is this from The Charleston Gazette-Mail about Republican state delegate Eric Porterfield:

“The LGBTQ is a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan, without wearing hoods with their antics of hate,” Porterfield said in an interview Friday morning. He also called the gay community a “terrorist group” and said he is being “persecuted” by the gay community in retaliation for his remarks, including receiving threats on Facebook and voicemails.

The West Virginia democratic party, along with LGBT groups, and the media pounced and immediately demanded that Porterfield resign:

Now let’s compare that to what a democratic NYC councilman said, as reported by The NY Post:

“When I get to the City Council, I find that the City Council is controlled — most council members out of 51 council members — over there, everybody is controlled by the homosexual community,” Rubén Díaz Sr. said in an interview…

Nobody called for Diaz to resign, just apologize:

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who is gay, called on Diaz to apologize after the NY1 report.

“Council Member Díaz Sr.’s homophobic comments are offensive to both the Speaker and the body, and have no place in New York City,” his communications director told the station in a statement.

“He should apologize to all of his colleagues, and the entire LGBTQ community.”

And it gets worse. Check out this headline from the NY Daily News:

Conservative Ruben Diaz Sr. unapologetic after claiming City Council controlled by the ‘homosexual community’

See what they did there? They described this member of the Democratic Party as a “conservative” to deflect from his anti-LGBT statement. What a brilliant tactic. They should used this on all of the Virginia democratic leadership which is currently accused of racism and a rape. If the press just starts calling Northam, Fairfax, and Herring “conservatives” suddenly the democrats don’t look so bad.

Shit, why not just rewrite all of history and say it was conservatives who owned the slaves, genocided the Indians, put Japanese Americans in internment’s camps, and segregated the South. Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton can become conservatives too so the democrats don’t come off as raping, philandering, women haters and killers.

The thing is, what both of these politicians were getting at is that the “Gaystapo” is a powerful and destructive arm of the LGBT community that wipes out anyone critical of the homosexual agenda. It’s not homophobic; it’s the truth. The only difference is the outrage over the Republican saying it and the liberal media damage-control for the democrat.