HOLY CRAP! ‘Morning Joe’ Panel Freaks That AOC May Get Trump Reelected

Oh how glorious that it is when the rats start to chew on each other…

Now that the socialists have flexed their muscles and are on the cusp of gaining control over the Democratic party, some are starting to fret that the post-Obama move to the extreme left is going to result in President Trump’s reelection.

While the rollout of the socialist Trojan horse “Green New Deal” has been widely ridiculed, nearly every potential 2020 presidential candidate has embraced it while the media has provided them with political cover for what would only a few short years ago been unthinkable fringe ideas.

Then on Thursday, the socialists scored another big win by chasing 800-pound gorilla Amazon.com out of New York City where the online retailer had planned to open a second headquarters that would have created tens of thousands of well-paying jobs and provided the Big Apple as well as the Empire State with a huge economic boost.

But that all went up in flames and as the new leader of the Democratic party Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, celebrated, it became even more evident that their party no longer remotely represents anything that has ever been seen in America before.

The events of the last week have caused great consternation to the Trump haters as a major disruption in the force could threaten their dreams to avenge Hillary’s crushing loss by ousting the duly elected president from the White House next November.

The weeping and gnashing of teeth extended to the set of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” where the narcissistic bobbleheads Joe and Mika were joined by the rabid Donny Deutsch who bemoaned the hijacking of their party by Comrade Bernie and his taco bar revolutionary prodigy.


Via The Washington Free Beacon, “MSNBC Panel Warns Ocasio-Cortez’s Ignorance is ‘Going to Hand the Presidency Back to Donald Trump’”:

The plan was killed, Scarborough said, by “people who don’t even understand basic economics.” In opposing Amazon’s arrival, Ocasio-Cortez “ignored over 80% of Latinos in the New York area and 70% of black Americans in the New York area who needed these jobs, who wanted these jobs.”

Donny Deutsch explained that Ocasio-Cortez had aligned herself with the “white morons in Manhattan” against New York’s working class. Not one to miss an opportunity to mock the president, he marveled that Ocasio-Cortez had managed to out-bungle him. “Who would have thought on a day our portly president declared an emergency, it would be the second-most inane move of the day,” he said.

Deutsch warned Ocasio-Cortez and her outlandish policy preferences would guarantee another four years of Trump as president. Ocasio-Cortez has endorsed a series of policy aims that drew equal parts alarm and ridicule from both parties, though 2020 Democratic hopefuls have lined up to endorse it. It proposes updating every building in America, skyrocketing taxes, and seeking to eliminate airplanes. Deutsch explained:

You attach this to the Green Deal and … President Trump now gets to go: ‘Oh, the Democrats don’t want jobs, the Democrats doesn’t want companies coming to your neighborhoods, the Democrats have a Green Deal that wants a 70% tax rate, … socialism. We are in a dangerous place and if people in the party doesn’t start to speak up against people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who is young and dynamic but does not know what she’s talking about, they’re going to hand the presidency back to Donald Trump.

The president has spoken out more forcefully against socialism and massive government expansion in recent weeks, perhaps testing out a 2020 message. He will be in Miami Monday for a speech on what the White House describes as the “dangers of socialism.”

“I find [her]extremely dangerous at this point,” Deutsch said.

Were she not so dangerous due to her appeal to the millions of gullible millennials that she derives her power from, it would be hilarious how the very same people who created AOC have now seen their Frankenstein monster escape the lab and turn on them.

As of now, the socialist sensation has lost “Morning Joe” but how much longer will it be until the rest of her media enablers realize that she has become their worst possible nightmare: a second term for President Trump.