Kamala Harris Denies Being A Socialist Then Says A Bunch Of Socialist Stuff

With her sleeping her way into politics scandal, support for Jussie Smolette’s hate crime hoax, and lies about smoking weed firmly behind, Kamala Harris can finally talk policy. The 2020 democratic hopeful was stumping in New Hampshire and was asked if she’s a socialist like Bernie Sanders. She denied being a socialist and then promptly laid out all the socialist policies she will push if she is elected. I’m sure her people will issue a statement saying that Harris misunderstood the question or more likely they’ll blame the media for using her exact words against her.

Fox News’ Peter Doocy caught up with Harris in New Hampshire and asked her what she thinks it will take to win in Bernie country.

“Senator Harris, one of the most popular Democrats in America right now is the guy who won here in 2016, Bernie Sanders, describes himself as a Democratic socialist. To compete in New Hampshire, do you have to––in the Democratic primary––do you have to move more toward the Democratic socialist part of the party?” Doocy asked.

“Well, the people of New Hampshire will tell me what’s required to compete in New Hampshire, but I will tell you I am not a Democratic socialist,” Harris said.

Now wait for it…

“I believe that what voters do want is, they want to know that whoever is going to lead understands that in America today, not everyone has equal opportunity to, and access to, a path to success, and that has been building up over the decades, and we’ve got to correct course. When we have an America where almost half of American families cannot afford a $400 emergency, we have to we know that we’ve got to do some course correction,” said Harris.

She does know what socialism is, right? Maybe not. After saying she is not a socialist, she instantly starts talking about redistributing the wealth in this country, which is socialist AF. Her “course correction” is to take the money from the people who work hard to earn it and give it the people who are not so motivated. Again, this is what socialism is.

And there was more:

“When we have an America where 99% of the counties in the United States of America, if you’re a minimum wage worker working full-time, you can’t afford market rate for a one-bedroom apartment, we need to course-correct. And those are my commitments in terms of being able to be in a position where one I see it, but also I intend to do something about it,” Harris added.

Where the hell does she get her stats from? The only places that are unaffordable to live are where democrats are in charge like California and New York. There she goes again with that “course-correct” talk, which is definitely against the free-market and the rest of us know is socialism. The market dictates what people make and how much apartments rent for. Harris wants to artificially inflate wages for shit work and force landlords to rent their properties under market value. Look it up, Kammy, that ain’t capitalism.

This answer is like if someone asked Kamala Harris if she supports third-term abortions and she responded by saying, “No, I just think that women should be able to terminate their pregnancies right up until the baby is born.” It’s the same damn thing.

Democrats are so full of shit that I’m sure Harris has justified this lie in her mind like this: She was asked if she is a democratic socialist and she replied no. technically, she’s a democrat who is a socialist, so therefore her answer was truthful.

Make no mistake, Bernie Sanders has turned the Democratic Party to the far-left extreme and that means unfettered socialism. These kooks are all running as socialists, but they will use euphemisms to cover up the fact that they are trying to turn our country into communist shithole like Venezuela.