Trump Accused Of Racism For Effort To Decriminalize Homosexuality

Liberals accuse Donald Trump of racism because he accurately noted that some illegal immigrants from Mexico are rapists and drug dealers. The accuse him of being a white supremacist because he accurately pointed out that there was violence on both sides in Charlottesville. They call him a Nazi because he accurately described the brutal street gang MS-13 as “animals.” The left is so desperate to portray the President as a racist that they are now accusing him of racism for his effort to decriminalize homosexuality. Yes, really.

Here’s a thing from NBC yesterday that was largely ignored because it was too hard for liberals to get outraged over:

The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it’s still illegal to be gay, U.S. officials tell NBC News, a bid aimed in part at denouncing Iran over its human rights record.

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading the effort, which kicks off Tuesday evening in Berlin. The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

“It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct,” a U.S. official said.

I’ve always said that if President Trump came up with a plan to give rescue puppies to war widows the left would freak out and call him “Hitler.” Here’s something that’s pretty damn close. Out magazine sees nothing but racism in the Trump administration’s efforts to decriminalize homosexuality globally:

Trump’s Plan to Decriminalize Homosexuality Is an Old Racist Tactic

The Trump administration is set to launch a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality in dozens of nations where anti-gay laws are still on the books…While on its surface, the move looks like an atypically benevolent decision by the Trump administration, the details of the campaign belie a different story. Rather than actually being about helping queer people around the world, the campaign looks more like another instance of the right using queer people as a pawn to amass power and enact its own agenda.


Out magazine is trying to make the case that Trump and Grenell are using this effort to get at the brown Muslims of Iran or some shit like that:

Grennell’s sudden interest in Iran’s anti-gay laws is strikingly similar to Trump’s rhetoric after the 2016 Pulse massacre in Orlando, Florida. After the deadly shooting, Trump used the 49 deaths as a way to galvanize support for an anti-Muslim agenda rather than find a way to support LGBTQ+ people. In pushing for immigration restrictions and a Muslim ban, Trump argued, he was the true pro-LGBTQ+ candidate. Rather than honor those who died, Trump used the tragedy as a way to stoke fear among the American people, and Grennell is taking similar actions with Iran — trying to reach an economic goal by painting the administration’s opponent as anti-gay.

Which is of course racist because…it involves Trump:

The truth is, this is part of an old colonialist handbook. In her essay, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” postcolonial theorist Gayatri Spivak coined the term “White men saving brown women from brown men” to describe the racist, paternalistic process by which colonizing powers would decry the way men in power treated oppressed groups, like women, to justify attacking them. Spivak was referencing the British colonial agenda in India. But Grennell’s attack might be a case of white men trying to save brown gay men from brown straight men, to the same end.

To sum up: President Trump is leading an effort to prevent gay people from being executed and jailed over their sexual orientation and the American LGBT community is screaming, “This racist must be stopped!” It literally doesn’t get any crazier than that. Gay people in the US hate Trump so much that they are advocating for gays in other countries to be put to death. Talk about a severe case of TDS.

I have no idea why the President doesn’t exploit this Trump Derangement Syndrome with a little reverse psychology. He should come out and say that he doesn’t want a border wall and that he wants all existing berries to be removed. Democrats would hand him $20 billion and demand that he build a double-border wall while accusing him of racism and xenophobia if he refused.