Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain


Jussie Smollett’s Hate

Via The American Thinker

Conservative pundits have pointed out that Democrat elites and the so-called “mainstream” media were quick to accept actor Jussie Smollett’s story of being assaulted by two Trump-supporters.

It is clear now that he lied. Smollett said his attackers were white and that he would have been believed without question if his assailants had been “Muslim,” “Mexican,” or “black.” They were black.

When asked why he thinks this happened, Smollett answered, “I have gone hard against 45, I have gone hard against this administration.” The mainstream media were all too happy to embrace any story that promotes their belief that President Trump and his supporters are racist and “homophobic.”

However, Smollett and the leftist media have a broader focus for their hatred than this president. They hate America. The alleged Smollett attack was designed not merely to prove that this president and his supporters are bigots, but to demonstrate once again that America is a hateful place where racism and homophobia run rampant.

The president’s slogan, “Make America Great Again,” is interpreted as code language for “make America white again.” His opposition to illegal immigration is depicted as a racist ploy to keep nonwhite people out of the country. They know that President Trump is not the originator of what they see as America’s sordid legacy of hatred and bigotry, but in their minds, he is its latest and best representative.

After the Charlottesville confrontation between white supremacists and radical leftists, the president’s condemnation of both sides was deemed “racist.” As a black Virginian, I took the same view. When he pointed out that the Mexicans who cross our southern border illegally are not that country’s “best,” he was stating the obvious, but that too was considered racist.

No matter what this president does to improve the lives of women, minorities, and all Americans, from the left’s perspective, he is beyond redemption because he is the symptom. America is the disease. The left views us as a nation of white supremacy, white privilege, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, inequality, oppression, corporate greed, and international imperialism. Instead of “America the Beautiful,” they see ugly Americans. Instead of the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” they see a land of the selfish and home of the brutal. Instead of compassionate people, they see planetary parasites and climate deniers dragging the world to cataclysmic destruction.

They see America as the world’s nightmare.

Read the entire article HERE.

Nebraska state senator compares American flag to Nazi swastika

Via The Washington Examiner

Nebraska state Sen. Ernie Chambers on Tuesday compared the American flag with the Nazi swastika on the floor of the legislature.

“I don’t come here for this rag every day, and it’s a rag. That’s all it is to me,” said Chambers about respecting the flag. “When you show a way to persuade Jews to sanctify and worship the swastika, when you show me that I’ll come up here and stand while you all hypocritically pretend that rag is something that it definitely is not.“

The comments were in response to a bill put before the Nebraska legislature that would update school civics requirements and make students more literate in “knowledge in civics, history, economics, financial literacy, and geography.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Illusion or Invasion U.S.A.? 

By Chuck Norris

Every president takes an oath of office that promises: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

By preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution, he is simultaneously doing the same for “we the people” of these United States, who are at the heart of the Constitution.

On Friday, President Trump declared a “national emergency” at the U.S. southern border in order to defend the citizens of this country from what he called a “national security crisis” and “an invasion of our country with drugs, human traffickers, [and] all types of criminals and gangs.”

On Thursday, knowing he was going to make that declaration the next day, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the president’s national security crisis “an emergency he created. … An illusion he wanted to convey.”

An emergency he created? An illusion?

My dictionary defines an illusion as a “false idea or belief.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Bernie Sanders: Well Actually, Breadlines Aren’t Quite So Bad

Via The Federalist

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced that he intends to run for president in 2020:

Of course, this resulted in conservatives “pouncing” on an unsavory video from the mid-1980s in which Sanders articulates his support for breadlines, in what could reasonably be called the best “well actually” of all time. When asked about breadlines in Nicaragua and Sanders’ support for Sandinistas, the senator quipped: “It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death.”

He acts as if this is some sort of trump card that invalidates criticism of breadlines, but people waiting miserably in line for hours to receive basic (and scant) provisions due to horrific food shortages, is pretty far from most sane people’s concept of a productive economy. Imagine the opportunity cost: people standing in lines for hours, as a part of a daily or weekly ritual to get bread and soap and milk, means these people will not be able to work or pursue any enjoyable or fulfilling activities during this time.

Lost innovation and productivity is certainly an argument against breadlines, but for those swayed by the idea of unshackling people from capitalism so they can have more free time and pleasure, don’t assume that standing in breadlines is a happiness upgrade by any stretch of the imagination.

Read the entire article HERE.

Self-Hating Whites

By Paul Craig Roberts

White people are on the point of extinction. If you say anything about it, you are labeled a “white supremist.” Black lives matter, but not white lives.

We this, for example, in South Africa where white farmers are being massacred under the slogan “land or death” by blacks whose forebears arrived in South Africa after the forebears of the white farmers. The line is that the whites stole the blacks’ land and that Africa is black and, thereby, reserved for blacks. Whites are unwanted illegal immigrants.

If the roles were reversed and it was whites massacring blacks, the white media in the Western world would be shrill in its condemnation of the whites. As it is blacks massacring whites, there is not a peep. The only way you can learn about it is to read English language Russian Internet sites.

Only Russia has offered South African whites refuge. The US, Europe, and Canada are overflowing with non-white immigrants but have no room for white ones.

Whites are on the road to extinction not because of massacres by blacks, but because of their own tax, social, and immigration policies. In the US and throughout Europe high taxation has brought an end to single-earner families, such as the one that I, and my generation, grew up in. Wives have been forced out of the motherhood role into the earner mode. Consequently, the white birthrate has dropped. This process of destruction has been helped along the way by feminism and abortion on demand.

It is very difficult for a white person from one Western country to immigrate to another. An American who wishes to become, for example, a French citizen has to have a large income and a large French bank account and wait a long time. But a non-white can walk right in and take up residence without being evicted and expect to be supported by the French state. Except for Hungary, the same is true throughout the Western world.

How did something this topsy-turvey come about?

Read the entire article HERE.

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