Liberals Hammer Joe Biden For Calling Mike Pence ‘A Decent Guy’

For the first time maybe in his history, Joe Biden said something that wasn’t completely insane, racist, sexist, or just plain stupid. The former VP called the current VP Mike Pence a decent guy, which obviously set the left off. Liberals absolutely annihilated Biden for this mild compliment so he walked it back, showing that his lack courage and conviction makes him an almost perfect democrat.

Wall Street Journal reporter Reid Epstein gave this nothing piece of information from a Biden speaking engagement in Nebraska:

And the entire liberal world went into full meltdown mode. Here’s liberal writer Dan Gilmore pitching a fit:

Technically it’s Biden’s insanity that disqualifies him, but whatever. Next there was lefty activist Adam Best blaming Mike Pence for AIDS:

No seriously, how can you blame gay people having unprotected sex and contracting HIV on Mike Pence? If he’s so against homosexuality, presumably he never promoted risky gay sex, right?

For some reason the mayor of Long Beach, CA got in on the action.

Then the Daily Kos guy ended Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential dreams before they even started:

And ThinkProgress Ian Millhiser threw what he thought was sarcasm at Joe.

It very telling about the left that they consider bankruptcy reform, all lives mattering, and really good chicken sandwiches to be the worst things in the world.

Progressive writer Jordan Zakarin interpreted the Biden statement in the weirdest way possible:

So thinking Mike Pence is decent means hating all millennials? Also, what’s wrong with hating millennials?

Biden got a lot of shit from the left over this minor Pence compliment, but it took Sex and the City star and former NY candidate for Governor Cynthia Nixon to actually get something done.

And here was Joe Biden’s response:

How’s that for profiles in courage? Biden extends a pleasantry to Mike Pence, extreme leftists scream in his face about it, and he promptly reverses course.

Biden may be the elder statesman in the Democratic Party but he has a lot to learn about the new radical left that has taken over. His centrist-leaning positions are going to get shredded by the hysterical progressives that now dominate the left. For some reason this makes me want him to run for president even more. He’s a gaffe machine that will provide endless entertainment, but also the freak-outs he will cause among the lunatic left and his backtracking should make 2020 the funniest thing in American political history.